Man that's a hard read at weeks end but I commend you MT for going to the effort of producing such a succinct summary and keeping us abreast of the abysmal actions of this corrupt government.
Thanks for that Mountain man. When I hear the sad coalition's continuing mantra of "we need to make slashing cuts willy nilly because we can't afford "x", my thoughts turn to a meeting I attended earlier this year where Craig Renney was the main speaker. The thrust of his remarks was all about "choice" and his observations, backed up by graphs and figures, was that this collection of incompetents had made the choice to feather the beds of their mates regardless of the damage it would cause to the fabric of our country. He was very clear that there IS sufficient government funding available to maintain Health, Education Social Services, Police, Defense, Conservation....... but it's all being funneled elsewhere. The most glaringly obvious example being landlord breaks. His point about the choice being made over the % of government debt is also just that - a choice - and one that makes no sense given the much higher levels of debt maintained by countries we often compare ourselves to. No wonder my BP feels like it's out of control at times.
100,000% I couldn't say it clearer than that too - and what many of my articles try to illustrate.
These were all deliberate choices on the part of this government and the issue is it looks like they made those decisions WELL BEFORE they even got into government.
Example: The landlords were promised the deal they got over 2022 & 2023 in order to secure their votes.
And then once this lot got in it looks like they proceeded with their ideology over any facts or reason.
The $3bn to landlords was one of the FIRST things they spent on without batting an eye lid. They even wanted to give it to them retroactively at first, until the IRD told them it would be too much of a hassle - but that's how much they wanted to reward them.
And then police? $170mn - no. School lunches $170mn - no. Public education learning aides no - $153m is going to private schools to start privatising education instead. The list goes on.
All this made and makes zero sense to me because their actions will only deteriorate their supposed goals i.e. law and order, economy, well being, prosperity
It will end up costing us all more in the short and long run.
Silly people, thoroughly incompetent and again fully agree this is all the result of choices, not genuine reasons (that said, they have made the "bad economy" wolf calls into a self fulfilling prophecy)
Hence my point for many months - unintelligent!
The BP does spike so if we share the load around and have a drink together at this virtual pub, maybe at least we can help each other through it.
Hey thanks for being here and have a great weekend, Robbo!
On my way out the door soon to a nice quiet family catchup - a great contrast to the excesses of the Coalition of Cruelty 😘 I insist on staying informed, but also realise we can't let the bu#*#s get us down! 🤷🏾♀️
Politicians look ridiculous in hi vis, but they are a health and safety risk so they should probably wear them all the time
Man that's a hard read at weeks end but I commend you MT for going to the effort of producing such a succinct summary and keeping us abreast of the abysmal actions of this corrupt government.
It is and yes still important for us to stay abreast, so you are very welcome, David. I hope you have a great and relaxing weekend ahead.
Thanks for that Mountain man. When I hear the sad coalition's continuing mantra of "we need to make slashing cuts willy nilly because we can't afford "x", my thoughts turn to a meeting I attended earlier this year where Craig Renney was the main speaker. The thrust of his remarks was all about "choice" and his observations, backed up by graphs and figures, was that this collection of incompetents had made the choice to feather the beds of their mates regardless of the damage it would cause to the fabric of our country. He was very clear that there IS sufficient government funding available to maintain Health, Education Social Services, Police, Defense, Conservation....... but it's all being funneled elsewhere. The most glaringly obvious example being landlord breaks. His point about the choice being made over the % of government debt is also just that - a choice - and one that makes no sense given the much higher levels of debt maintained by countries we often compare ourselves to. No wonder my BP feels like it's out of control at times.
100,000% I couldn't say it clearer than that too - and what many of my articles try to illustrate.
These were all deliberate choices on the part of this government and the issue is it looks like they made those decisions WELL BEFORE they even got into government.
Example: The landlords were promised the deal they got over 2022 & 2023 in order to secure their votes. and
And then once this lot got in it looks like they proceeded with their ideology over any facts or reason.
The $3bn to landlords was one of the FIRST things they spent on without batting an eye lid. They even wanted to give it to them retroactively at first, until the IRD told them it would be too much of a hassle - but that's how much they wanted to reward them.
And then police? $170mn - no. School lunches $170mn - no. Public education learning aides no - $153m is going to private schools to start privatising education instead. The list goes on.
All this made and makes zero sense to me because their actions will only deteriorate their supposed goals i.e. law and order, economy, well being, prosperity
It will end up costing us all more in the short and long run.
Silly people, thoroughly incompetent and again fully agree this is all the result of choices, not genuine reasons (that said, they have made the "bad economy" wolf calls into a self fulfilling prophecy)
Hence my point for many months - unintelligent!
The BP does spike so if we share the load around and have a drink together at this virtual pub, maybe at least we can help each other through it.
Hey thanks for being here and have a great weekend, Robbo!
"NZ does not have a corruption investigation body like other jurisdictions." says it all really doesn't it.
On my way out the door soon to a nice quiet family catchup - a great contrast to the excesses of the Coalition of Cruelty 😘 I insist on staying informed, but also realise we can't let the bu#*#s get us down! 🤷🏾♀️
Have a great one and agree 😊