Good work here, I like the MTMM card as an idea - perhaps it could be sent automatically to all the young journalists who don’t have the time/skills to look beyond the sound bite.
I spent quite long on this piece, but I like the concept too and plan to expand it in future. I appreciate the feedback and reinforcement on that Keith. Cheers!
Yes, whoever cane make use of it is welcome to it. When I do my research, I often go back through historical articles and what struck me about the last years is the news media will headline with National Party attack lines.
I do wonder if our corporate media was not invested in a National success too.
Bloody hell Tui, IF ONLY we had a govt as good at governing as they are at propaganda bull shit.
They're as thick as two short planks.
I was going to add that they have the intellectual and ethical standards of a goldfish, but that would disrespect goldfish, although goldfish do, do the same thing all the time I'm unsure if they're hoping for a different result
John, I appreciate the candour and you gave me a good chuckle when I needed it!
To be honest, the more I look at their policies and actions and choices, the more I'm convinced this is a donor enrichment program, as much as it is a government. The fact they are rising in the polls is testament to the strength of their corporate affiliations.
Good work here, I like the MTMM card as an idea - perhaps it could be sent automatically to all the young journalists who don’t have the time/skills to look beyond the sound bite.
I spent quite long on this piece, but I like the concept too and plan to expand it in future. I appreciate the feedback and reinforcement on that Keith. Cheers!
Actually a copy for the Labour Party too if you can find them…
Yes, whoever cane make use of it is welcome to it. When I do my research, I often go back through historical articles and what struck me about the last years is the news media will headline with National Party attack lines.
I do wonder if our corporate media was not invested in a National success too.
Prisons are abhorrent!
Look at what Norway does.
Sad. So very, very, sad.
Bloody hell Tui, IF ONLY we had a govt as good at governing as they are at propaganda bull shit.
They're as thick as two short planks.
I was going to add that they have the intellectual and ethical standards of a goldfish, but that would disrespect goldfish, although goldfish do, do the same thing all the time I'm unsure if they're hoping for a different result
John, I appreciate the candour and you gave me a good chuckle when I needed it!
To be honest, the more I look at their policies and actions and choices, the more I'm convinced this is a donor enrichment program, as much as it is a government. The fact they are rising in the polls is testament to the strength of their corporate affiliations.
Hope you have a great Sunday anyway!