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Credit: Edin Whitehead Nat Geo NZ

I’m Mountain Tui and I write about socio-political developments in NZ and abroad.

In case you’re wondering, I started my interest in politics on Reddit and wrote posts like this:

The latter is something I’m proud of as it raised awareness. By the time RNZ posed the question to David Seymour, and he lied about it, my evidence was publicly tabled and I was able to respond with firm facts and figures.

Unfortunately my posts ultimately earned me a ban on Reddit’s main NZ subreddit, although they later let me go back with handcuffs.

That led me to decide to write elsewhere in a place where I wouldn’t have to beg or argue for my posts to be allowed to be made public.

And for now that place is Substack.

Since joining I’ve written posts such as Curia Market Found in Breach of Industry Standards and First they came for the Māori.

Please subscribe to get full access to the newsletter in your inbox. Your financial support does enable me to continue doing what I do so it’s greatly appreciated + you get access to my publication archives. That said, I’m trialling no paywall so I’m happy you are here & thanks to you all.

Tui (the name I used on Reddit)

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Mountain Tui brings you socio-political & investigative takes. Mostly, it aims to inform and arm readers with information & facts, but has broken stories like Curia Market Research and Atlas Network. Admission: periodic rants.
