For those of you who are new here, I’m Mountain Tui.
I’m the one that first started badgering NZ about Atlas Network - and it went mainstream easily from that: from Mihirangi Forbes asking David Seymour about it, to David Seymour and Chris Bishop lying, to the evidence easily laid out.

I’m also the one who broke and elevated stories like Curia Market Research Found In Breach of Professional Industry Standards and more recently - David Seymour's School Lunch Provider Has Questionable Record.
In case you’re wondering, that’s not all I focus on.
I’ve been highlighting Health NZ challenges well before this government showed its hand on privatisation.
On the day of the “unexpected Health NZ deficit” story from Reti and Luxon, I stayed up past 2:30am to document and point out the obvious holes - before anyone else did. Media like Stuff and NZ Herald were only too happy to repeat Luxon’s words without checks.
NB: Since that time - Reti and Luxon’s Health NZ stories have been debunked - there is no 14 layers of management, and Luxon and his government intend to privatise NZ - across water, hospitals, healthcare, schools, roads etc.
Defunding our healthcare system is just a way for them to do that:
I now realise that there are many fantastic writers in the political writing space.
So I don’t ask easily.
So how can you help if you want to partake?
If you can afford to, and think there is value, please consider subscribing for less than 2 coffees a month!
If you can’t, and want a paid subscription, please let me know - I don’t want anyone to extend themselves on my behalf, with kind thanks to all who believe in my work.
Please consider sharing my publication and articles. Mountain Tui is still a fledgling publication so if each reader here would share it with even only one person, that would help it grow more quickly!
If you don’t want to subscribe or pay via Substack, there’s a buy a coffee option on Ko-Fi where koha is appreciated.
Writing here is wonderful and there’s an amazing community - I enjoy it, but it’s also time intensive.
If I’m not writing and researching, I’m thinking of what to write, scanning stories and content that may not be picked up, putting together videos that will help people see for themselves etc.And as my fellow Kiwis see what is happening more and more by themselves, the need for my voice is not as compelling.
Honestly writing here has shown me why journalism is a real profession, and why public interest writing is so valuable - and I look forward to the day it is front and centre again.
There have been amazing upsides for me - doing my part, meeting intelligent and insightful people with admirable values, meeting a person who put their actions behind their words - these are extraordinary returns for me.
Yet everyone needs to earn their due and feel that the time spent is valued, and ultimately, I’m no different.

I know many seek acknowledgement. And while I’m a tiny voice in a very, very big ocean, I’m grateful for the consideration.
Thank you to all my readers here - your trust and the community is truly valued!
Mountain Tui
With the stopping of much investigative journalism by the MSM and the rise in social media, we rely on people like you to fill in the gaps and keep us informed. Especially as our government is so full of BS and spin (lies really).
People lead busy lives and sound bites are easy to manipulate or message control. This is the downside of modern media.
And everyone needs to live and pay their way because it’s only a certain type of person who has the brass gonads to say, “I’m rich, so I’m sorted!”
So, strength to your arm and as long as my super is there, I will subscribe.
I hope I did that all correctly Mountain Tui. A years sub and $25 a month for your coffee lol Got to have our coffee. All the best for your support drive. You deserve it, as you write well and your research is first class .Patricia and Norman