I admit I can't/won't watch a Luxon press conference or announcement or whatever - he puts my teeth on edge & came across as lacking in empathy & sincerity in those times before I stopped tuning in. I find it sufficient to READ whatever policy releases & justifications & gaslighting he puts out without having to throw up in my mouth 🤮

Yes, those who came forward & told their stories about abuse in care are definitely not ALL ... I know of others. I particularly think of mentally disabled persons who didn't understand at the time, and don't have the words to explain now, plus of course any of those who were abused who have passed away. It is heartbreaking the damage that was done, but if there is hope it is that it is not just up to Govt to put things right for the future - they are a passing collection of idealogues with a brief moment of power (hopefully!) and we the people have to ensure that change happens, and present/future abuses are reported, dealt with, & redressed, as well as DEMANDING flaws in "the system" get fixed whenever & wherever they arise.

People in care are our fellow citizens, our whanau (immediate or more distant), and humans who can either be positive contributors if treated right, or disenchanted chaos agents and/or criminals if their problems are neglected. On a cost-benefit analysis alone, we should care that EVERYONE has the best chance to be healthy & well-adjusted no matter their advantages or disadvantages eh?

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I totally agree! We all have to be involved!

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Don't forget he told the police officers in a press conference earlier on the year that if they thought it was better in Australia they should go. He hoped they would stay but it was their decision.

Talking like a true CEO. If you don't like it here there is always another company. (Country)

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I never heard that one but as infuriating as it is, that sounds exactly like Mr Corporate Big Wig.

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What I'd say to you is.....Luxon has no idea how to solve issues like this because he, like all National leaders before him, seeks only simple knee jerk solutions to complex issues. His and Mitchell the Mercenarys views are outdated, disproved and of no use to man nor beast, but they act as dog whistles to the redneck electorate they seek to court. We have at least 2 more years of this bullshit drivel, by which time our prisons will be fuller, education, health and social welfare will have been shat on and the rich will have got richer. I'm much more worried by men and women in suits than I am of a gang member wearing a patch. We need to stop judging books by covers and look at the content. National, ACT and NZF are bankrupt, empty vessels clanking around making lots of noise whilst solving NOTHING!!!!!

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‘Real empathy’ can only be faked for a few moments - like on TikTok where his seven media minions can use their editing skills to maximise that moment

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I wonder how much of this is based on his faith. There seems to be a strong moral rectitude in who he is and how he approaches matters. In researching the gang policy under Adern, I noted it was Simeon Brown who led that charge for Luxon. Another man of strong Christian faith who had no qualms about bending the facts for personal profit.

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The "faith" question has been under-reported IMHO - I wouldn't be aware of his background in this if it wasn't raised on David Farrier's "Webworm" when we were discussing evangelical churches & their dodgy leaders & practices. It also got a glancing mention during the election campaign with respect to abortion policy I think?

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I do recall they heavily downplayed the Christian element during and before the election. I personally don't care about someone's faith but it's the at-odds reckonings that are of interest. I believe Christianity is much more than being anti-abortion and anti-LGBT - or is this Government's makeup more of the fundamentalist type, I have to wonder.

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Having been brought up in a "Christian" environment till I left home aged 13, I can vahemently attest that the last thing needed is some religious zealot anywhere within a bulls roar of the levers of power. A detestable group of people.

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Reading the flood of comments from politicians after the abuse in state care report was released I was struck by how much the tenor smacked of “thoughts and prayers” in response to mass hun violence in the US. The country - especially survivors and those who experience that abuse *to this day* - need to see actions, not listen to well meaning sound bites. But we know that most of the 138 recommendations are antithetical to this government’s policy agenda 🤬🤬🤬

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In watching their press conference yesterday, it was a serious, compassionate tone but pretty much, "We won't commit to anything" and we need 3 and more months to talk about it.

They would have known its contents before its official date.

I will point out that Mr Luxon looked very sincere and compassionate when he was promising cancer drugs for New Zealanders last year as well. Alas, he broke that promise and only u-turned after the public were - on a large enough scale for them to care - unhappy.

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The marginal electorate MPs will already be susceptible to an approach for leader change. Nat's. need a real leader badly or face losing their seats in the next General Election

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Here's a counter view on Luxon hiding from the broad-spectrum media but not from NZME and Mike Hoskins. I think the reporter hails from ZA which has seen white flight flourish in old Commonwealth territory


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Yes, it's a sympathetic place for him. NZME corporate media. I remember that Casey Costello avoided all media outlets when the tobacco corruption scandal first emerged - the only place she would front was Newstalk NZ.

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Lordy that was a hard obsequious read!!

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Pleased you got to the bottom line.

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I laughed, David. The comment popped up, and I thought "I have to ask David if my writing was that bad today."

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Nothing wrong with your writing

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Yes it popped up on my computer first - once I came to see David's comment, I understood. Thanks Winston.

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Oh heck Tui glad you figured that out! I would be mortified if you hadn't! Just to reinforce I really value your articles and I notice them being well received on TS which typically is a very hard audience to please on the whole.

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Thank you David, and I didn't know that about TS. They are very kind to host some of my pieces. Cheers :-)

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Pleased you got to the bottom line David

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