Yes. This. It's kinda irrelevant now, but I always wished that Jacinda had brought more of the steel she displayed in parliament to her public and media interviews. The kindness and reasoned comms got in the way of the actual message. The left politicians reacting to everything the government announces just results in a fatigue of expected anti of what is a scattergun of topics. Bamboozled by the speed and range of the ambush. A narrative of what is going on when all this is pulled together needs to get out there more cohesively, much like you are doing MT!!. Maybe our own version of "they're weird" needs to be found?

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Yes it wasn't the best at all - and the corporate, big money machines and easy to remember phrases are much slicker. And do you notice how quiet the attack machines are now?

Your points are spot on - "Bamboozled by the speed and range of the ambush" is such an accurate description too.

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I have said before that the newsroom at RNZ had been ‘captured’; when Labour was in charge RNZ had loads of National Party voices, to provide balance - now National are in charge it is just their voice that is rebroadcast. Jo Moir was one of the Jacinda haters, back when she worked for Newsroom. Incidentally, NZ Initiative education lobbyist was again given a free run in Newsroom this morning. I don’t get, they know about Axis Nutwork but still give them space.

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Interesting. More interesting that Moir was basically parroting NZME. Thanks for the background info, Keith, that makes more sense now and I hear you Re: Newsroom, I know it's that constant critique of balance which I understand is necessary too and that's the rub. NZI in general acts more of a moderate voice, lobbying for business interests, which they would see as akin to eg. unions lobbying. There are many gray areas, but this why I think that awareness and transparency is key.

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There is a thing called a "statistical bell curve". This curve fits damn near every sort of human behaviour, in that it shows a few negatives, ramping up to a whole lot of averages and ramping down to a few positive types of behaviour.

So, you get a few, bad, dishonest, corrupt, deceitful people. A whole lot of middle of the road people and a few people who would sooner die than exhibit those traits.

This Gaussian Distribution theory (google it) has now been shot to shit with the antics of our evil controllers. Totally distorting it to the negative end of the curve.

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The parties of the left have nothing coherent to offer. Or so it seems.

They are trying to score points from petty sniping at the coalition rather than presenting their own alternatives for us to grab hold of.

The situation is dire.

Thank you for your calm collection, collation and presentation of facts.

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Bill, thank you for your comment.

I wrote this comment elsewhere and wonder what you think of it -

"I think the source of the issue is the money behind attack groups (Hobsons Pledge, Taxpayers Union etc) and low quality media i.e. that which baits, and doesn't inform.

As long as they are in existence, they will just use any attempt to advance society as an opportunity to divide and attack voters i.e. citizens / residents.

It is hard to implement constructive solutions peaceful under effective attack dogs like that, whoever is in power.

e.g. as noted in the piece above -

Just as Jordan Williams took credit for putting pressure on Jacinda Adern and getting rid of Capital Gains Tax in NZ, Atlas are here to nudge National Party, Luxon, and the country forward in its vision."


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