7 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Id like to hope at the moment the left are giving the CoC enough rope to hang themselves (polls beginning to show that). I do hope that collectively, behind the scenes the left are formulating an alternative plan to failed neoliberalism that is concise, logical and easily sold to the swing voter.

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Ditto. And I think if they work together it will be much more effective. The many lies are not easily removed and the problem now is there is not much transparency

There are no punch one in the face headlines that show the absolute denigration of Kiwi assets, way of life, future e.g. healthcare and the like.

That to me is the opposition's job now - even their policies can wait in my mind - but highlighting what is going on is a fight.

Granted, without the money and chops of the right - including friendly media - it may be a losing battle, but to me that is their entire job.

For example, Mountain Tui shouldn't exist.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

If the Left don’t band together to hold this authoritarian government to account, we will have no chance in 2026.

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4 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Thanks MT, another great substack. I hear people ask why the opposition "arent saying anything and standing up to this government" alot. So many people dont realise that so much of the media is privately owned and gets to direct the narrative. Thank goodness for social media and Al Jazeera etc or we'd probably all be swallowing Zionist propaganda right now. The Greens and Te Pati Maori work together well and often. They work with Labour sometime but I sense that Labour still has a bit of a FPTP mindset and sees the Greens as a threat to their vote and their status as 'the opposition'. I know that some Labour MPs resented having to work with the Greens on policy implementation to gain their support previously. Although I dont think the left/right dichotomy is that relevant in NZ anymore, I'll use it just to make this point. My observation is that parties on the right of politics in NZ are quite capable of 'swallowing dead rats' just to get in power. i.e they will lie through their teeth as we have seen with this current government - 'say anthing to get elected'. The parties on the left tend to stand on their principles and policies alot more, they dont want to have to reneg or back down on their promises, to their detriment when they start squabbling over detail and lose sight of the big picture. I still think there are some outstanding MPs within Labour, The Greens & Te Pati Maori. I also would like to add that I think getting behind Tangata Whenua to protest the Treaty Principles Bill and other policies that hurt Maori the most is extremely important. If they can undermine Tangata Whenua then that will really will be the final nail in the coffin. Just look overseas to see how Neo Liberal/Atlas Network policies have undermined and destroyed indigenous peoples rights and created open and free exploitation and destruction of the environment..... The one think holding that back here is Te Tiriti.

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Excellent points KSJ - thank you for sharing and making them ..

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Yep it would be marvelous if L,G,TPM could create a planned coordinated front, that is so outrageousthat the media cannot ignore the

But, will labour ever drop its neoliberist stance. As someone recently said "labour and the Tories are just different cheeks of the same a....hole crapping on us"

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I've seen this argument but I am yet to have someone convince me it's absolutely true.

The UK Labour for example became led by Keir Starmer and I never liked him ever - but Corbyn was a different character.

i.e To me, everything will be in the details - and not the label...

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53 mins agoLiked by Mountain Tui

You do such good work MT. K McNulty as posted by you in your video segment (watch it fellow readers if you haven't already) did such a good critique of this Coalition government. We are all urging the opposition to make a stand but maybe they are and just not getting the air time/word space as you say - when Luxon and Seymour were in opposition their every little sound bite was reported. The 4th estate, the media, mainstream and that's you too MT, are so important to democracy.

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