Jul 6Liked by Mountain Tui

He's definitely a forked tongue - and has never worked for the people. Always for shonky corporations

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He was the head of the debating team at Hutt International Boys School. His nickname amongst his classmates was Wankenstein. Maybe he was in the masturbating team too?

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I shouldn't have smiled. Thanks for that tidbit. His arrogance is evident, and I'm sure he's wealthier than he could be if he took a normal job, but has it been worth it, Chris Bishop? His father helped with the founding of oil and tobacco company TPU, and his Mum is an environmental lawyer. So maybe it was inevitable.

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If I have a beef against an NGO, it's the Toilet Paper Onion. They OIA'd how much our department's catering budget was. And now there's no sossie rolls.

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His nickname now is "Butts" I guess to do with the tobacco lobbyist thing.

Did you know his sister is a leftist playwright?

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