Well constructed and clearly laid out for an honest appraisal of the current situation in Aoteoroa 2024! Kia kaha Mountain Tui!,

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Thank you so much Judith ❤️

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👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾Bravo! I knew there was a reason to subscribe - not only is this clear & concise but arms me with information to fight back. I did not know about the attack on Customary Marine Title - perhaps it was in one of my feeds, but so much is happening it is hard to keep up! That is another one of the right wing strategies - keep throwing punches so that your opposition gets confused and/or doesn't get a chance to counter because another punch lands - in this case the analogy is that the punches are below the belt, but there is no referee to stop them.

It seems to me that perhaps this is all a recognition that these coalition partners understand what they want is actually NOT popular & they have to get things done real quick before they get tossed out next election? So soonest done changes will be entrenched & hard to roll back? Or are they just arrogant & out of touch with humanity as it pertains to "real" people and their day to day & future lives?

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I think it's the former. I spent months trying to understand where they were coming from. It's almost as if it's from a playbook we've seen before.

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It would be easy to write off most of the ‘moves’ of this coal-ition as small minded folk making big decisions based on gut feelings and appeal to their core supporters. If you step back and look at the whole picture as you have today Tūī it might come across as more conspiracy than c***up - especially if you add in the complicity of the media.

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Excellent piece.

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"The birds, in their usual joyous bliss. Nature doesn’t seem to feel the heat of what might angst humans... " True birds and other wild life prove political boundaries are irrelevant to mother N aka Papatūānuku. But birds do squabble over what they consider is their territory and those happy tweet set the cat's teeth on edge.

More the point I think you encapsulate the government agenda extremely well. Watch them privatise health and ACC - $50billion in ACC investments- plus the real estate public hospitals are sitting on. All the rest are sideshows in comparison

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