As always, thank you Tui for keeping us informed. Those meals (and I use that term loosely) look absolutely revolting and dont even get me started on the list of ingredients, Grrrr. It's unbelievable that anyone could claim they are ok. It really is disgraceful that noone is holding him to account over this absolute fiasco. I saw a clip with Mike Hosking calling out Luxon on his inability to say that what Bayley did was a sackable offence and that he would have fired him for it..... Mike Hosking who is usually his greatest sycophant..... enough said aye. Such incompetence and hands off 'management'. Remind me again what he's paid for?

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Another well researched and thoughtful article thanks Tui. But I keep going back to the "ingredient" list for the vegan meal you published. This is not food, but an industrial product - and we're giving it to our kids and telling them to be grateful. What I need to know is how to take action to stop this happening. We can't ruin our kids' futures in this way without taking action.

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Let me get back to you - it'll be boring, but in terms of what we can do, boring is going to be the answer.

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Oh btw Tui, I did wonder when I say Hoskings' comments to Luxon if this a sign he will be rolled. He was actually quite rude to him compared to the free ride he usually gets. Check it out, it starts at about 10.38 minutes in. https://youtu.be/4KzcDRRKaNM?si=7MYHcm-hoEAiG62k

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You read my mind!

When I heard about the Hoskings interview, and saw a very tiny snippet, I was not as interested as others because I knew he was acting like this because he knows - as do many of us - that Luxon will get rolled - it's just a matter of when, not if.

The right know Luxon is a liability and also getting weaker - and that is why they are not afraid to up the theatrics with him.

It helps Hoskings gain a tiny bit of credibiity as wel (by challenging a National PM & got him a lot of eyeballs)

When a new National leader gets installed, Hoskings will be back to normal as he knows which side his bread is buttered on.

That's my take anyway.

Hope you're well :-)

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Agree about the eyeballs…. it’s the first time I’ve watched anything with Hosking for years but watching someone call out Luxon was just too tempting 🥴

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Completely get that!

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When you list Seymour’s ‘missed-demeaners’ as you did a casual observer’s verdict might be psychopath, who am I to argue…

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Absolutely on target again MT. The COC continue to make the last Labour government look like angels in comparison to this bunch of self centred Atlas puppets.

NZ could be so much more.

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Slimey seems to be the kiwi musk to skinhead cluxon.

Think he is the bad news guy to supposedly cluxons good news waffle.

Unfortunately I think they want to end up at the same gate to serfdom.

I'm really trying to follow one of the four green pillars of "don't make war", but bloody hell that gets harder by the day. Bib an old scrummerger and I'm thinkin I need to tone up somewhat for what's ahead. It ain't gonna be pretty.

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