Thanks so much MT, only halfway through video but will look at it after work.
I think the fact the likes of Finlayson, Waring and Little and Kelsey are solidly on the same page on this issue is heartening for common sense and damning on this coalition govt.
We need to focus on ensuring the RSB is buried. This is the real reason National wasn't supporting this bill. It already knew the ToW and removal of principle consideration would be addressed by the Regulatory bill which they've agreed to support to legislation.
Thanks also for noting in your commentary around the fact the ToW enables the Westminster system we have - without the Treaty, the system has no right.
Ngā mahi, again. Luxon was either complicit, ignorant or an absolute numpty - how about all of the above? Larson - you beauty! Pleased that Hipkins has stated that RSB is gone when he is PM because that is the most powerful arrow in the Atlas quiver.
The RSB is designed to make it very hard for future governments to repeal. I recall last year Jones strategizing about how to stop that and help his “investors”
Mountain Tui, another absolute gem. So grateful for your time, energy and expertise brnging this Substack summary to us all. A distraction, a political stunt, stacking the tribunal, attacking the judiciary. The probability of a referendum underway? We've been warned in the past about dirty politics yet here we experience it again. For all the Coalition's stunts and underhandedness, I truly believe the decency and fairness of the majority of New Zealanders will kill this bill. Information sharing like this is an essential part of the process. Thank you Tui.
The very chilling commentary by Prof. Jane Kelsey that behind the scenes Seymour's RSB that WILL pass into law is demonstration that the Treaty ammendment bill has been the Trojan horse all along. David Seymour is the most divisive person ever to sit in the house and his vision for Aotearoa has NOTHING to do with equality and EVERYTHING to do with the rich getting richer. He is a VERY dangerous man to our democratic process as it currently operates. Thanks MT for this post!
Great video and article MT. Along side the RSB it is the most important activity happening in NZ today however it is fairly inconspicuous in main stream media??
Some really good submissions that deserve to be heard.
Hate this to be resolved by a largely ill-informed populist referendum
I have always supported media but no longer trust them, writ large, to cover the issues that matter to me. I still believe we want and need all the journalists we have - Newsroom journalists regularly cover great news stories and 1News has brought us stories of interest and RNZ have been faithful to our public health coverage. Even NZ Herald has more in depth coverage at times -
Still, whole scale analysis and trajectories appear out of the wheel house now of most but Newsroom - and that definitely serves the agenda of those who try to push important matters like this to referendum
That’s the exact reaction I had Annie - for MT especially, but for Andrew Little and Marilyn Waring too, and those other great stalwarts of political and academic life in Aotearoa. A reminder of how fortunate we have been, and a restorative beam of hope.
Thank you so much for your work, one of the most important (THE most important) independent journalists I subscribe to. In well over 50 years of voting I have never seen such an arrogant, duplicitous and dangerous government as this one.
Last year Chris Finlayson hinted that the National party right now are filled with people who have little link to its history and are largely serving themselves (rather than the country).
I’d add that this lot are large on cunning and tricks, but sparse on deep intelligence and competency.
This trifecta coalition is a pity for the country.
On point again, MT. It is frightening in its comprensiveness, and I very much fear that if we get any traction with this type of analysis, they will go all out to frame it as just another conspiracy theory.
👍🏾Thanks for this... I have limited Internet for a few days so this excellent mahi keeps me up to date (& stops me obsessively watching the Select Committee hearings - limited internet that is🤷🏻♀️😁)
Brilliant commentary Tui, thank you, so many gems.
Hooton is not wrong,
Takuta Ferris & his wonderful touché moment!
So many intellectually robust TPB submissions compared to supporters who looked weak, immature and ignorant. It was an enthralling listen.
Nga mihi.
Agree Leonie.
Thanks so much MT, only halfway through video but will look at it after work.
I think the fact the likes of Finlayson, Waring and Little and Kelsey are solidly on the same page on this issue is heartening for common sense and damning on this coalition govt.
We need to focus on ensuring the RSB is buried. This is the real reason National wasn't supporting this bill. It already knew the ToW and removal of principle consideration would be addressed by the Regulatory bill which they've agreed to support to legislation.
Thanks also for noting in your commentary around the fact the ToW enables the Westminster system we have - without the Treaty, the system has no right.
Ngā mahi, again. Luxon was either complicit, ignorant or an absolute numpty - how about all of the above? Larson - you beauty! Pleased that Hipkins has stated that RSB is gone when he is PM because that is the most powerful arrow in the Atlas quiver.
Yes I submit to that point for sure.
The RSB is designed to make it very hard for future governments to repeal. I recall last year Jones strategizing about how to stop that and help his “investors”
Still good to hear Hipkins provide clarity on it
Great points Keith - thanks
Mountain Tui, another absolute gem. So grateful for your time, energy and expertise brnging this Substack summary to us all. A distraction, a political stunt, stacking the tribunal, attacking the judiciary. The probability of a referendum underway? We've been warned in the past about dirty politics yet here we experience it again. For all the Coalition's stunts and underhandedness, I truly believe the decency and fairness of the majority of New Zealanders will kill this bill. Information sharing like this is an essential part of the process. Thank you Tui.
Lyn 🙏 Thank you
The very chilling commentary by Prof. Jane Kelsey that behind the scenes Seymour's RSB that WILL pass into law is demonstration that the Treaty ammendment bill has been the Trojan horse all along. David Seymour is the most divisive person ever to sit in the house and his vision for Aotearoa has NOTHING to do with equality and EVERYTHING to do with the rich getting richer. He is a VERY dangerous man to our democratic process as it currently operates. Thanks MT for this post!
Great video and article MT. Along side the RSB it is the most important activity happening in NZ today however it is fairly inconspicuous in main stream media??
Some really good submissions that deserve to be heard.
Hate this to be resolved by a largely ill-informed populist referendum
I have always supported media but no longer trust them, writ large, to cover the issues that matter to me. I still believe we want and need all the journalists we have - Newsroom journalists regularly cover great news stories and 1News has brought us stories of interest and RNZ have been faithful to our public health coverage. Even NZ Herald has more in depth coverage at times -
Still, whole scale analysis and trajectories appear out of the wheel house now of most but Newsroom - and that definitely serves the agenda of those who try to push important matters like this to referendum
I am in love with Andrew Little's brain! Marilyn Waring's brain is a close 2nd!
That’s the exact reaction I had Annie - for MT especially, but for Andrew Little and Marilyn Waring too, and those other great stalwarts of political and academic life in Aotearoa. A reminder of how fortunate we have been, and a restorative beam of hope.
“A reminder of how fortunate we have been, and a restorative beam of hope.”
That’s how I felt too, Kath, in watching them. Honoured to have people of intellect and integrity that walk among us.
I have to say I was very impressed too, Annie.
Thank you so much for your work, one of the most important (THE most important) independent journalists I subscribe to. In well over 50 years of voting I have never seen such an arrogant, duplicitous and dangerous government as this one.
Thanks Doug.
Last year Chris Finlayson hinted that the National party right now are filled with people who have little link to its history and are largely serving themselves (rather than the country).
I’d add that this lot are large on cunning and tricks, but sparse on deep intelligence and competency.
This trifecta coalition is a pity for the country.
On point again, MT. It is frightening in its comprensiveness, and I very much fear that if we get any traction with this type of analysis, they will go all out to frame it as just another conspiracy theory.
👍🏾Thanks for this... I have limited Internet for a few days so this excellent mahi keeps me up to date (& stops me obsessively watching the Select Committee hearings - limited internet that is🤷🏻♀️😁)
🙌 🙏 You’re very welcome Cindy