Nicola Willis = Liz Truss

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Not wrong at all, Mark!

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I am just watching question time in Parliament 11/12. Despite reasonable and answerable questions in Parliament by the opposition the Speaker of the House presides over non answers, diversion, blaming the last Government and insults spoken to the opposition person asking the question. Question time seems to used by the Government to showcase Ministers arrogance, gas lighting and mis and dis information with little intervention by the Speaker. It is so disappointing. NZers are poorly served by question time.

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Agree. The speaker is a joke.. another moron not fit for the job.

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Don’t dismiss them as “morons” or stupid, dumb, idiots etc. such people are not expected to understand the results of their incompetence. These guys? It is ALL intentional; it is ALL deliberate. Monstrous? Maybe. Moronic? Nope. They are SUCCESSFUL in what they are trying to accomplish.

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Not even a well regarded woodwork teacher....

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I fully agree Jacqui - this is another example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3uqmR8ti_o

i.e. Willis acts like that frequently from what I've seen

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I'd think the committee probably spent all this time trying to figure out a way to spin the BS to save 'no boats Nick's" hide.

And isn't it about time the use of " "commercial confidentiality" was banned. If your spending my money I surely have the right to know what's going on. It should be that every supplier/contractor realizes its a given that all bids are made public and the govt justifies its purchasing decisions. Same must apply to local govt also.

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I strongly agree

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Luxon did promise receipts

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You'd be right 😆

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FFS… what a waste of money and time.

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What a joke if it wouldn't be so tragic

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Kia Ora Mark for equating Willis with Truss - bang on. What is really galling is that the amount of taxpayers dollars she and Luxo are personally responsible for wasting is matched only by her arrogance and Luxo’s delusion. God help us!

Added to that mix is Broke Van Velden bringing in policy to financially punish people who strike because strikes disrupt NZers. And yet we have to watch an incompetent CoC disrupt the lives of so many NZers in so many ways. Again, God help us!

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I'm guessing if someone would do a spreadsheet, the cost would be astronomical - and in each case only benefit vested interests.

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Don't be silly. Luxon won't ask her to resign. That would be a consequence for poor performance and consequences are for peasants.

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Shucks. Time to wake up from my dreaming again ;)

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So they finally made a plan to do something about their initial decision to make a plan to do something? I wonder if the time frame for them to realise that we are nor as stupid as they are, will be as long as this has taken - and will take.

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I can only imagine them scouring the world to see if they could get a boat or two for that bargain basement price Kiwirail secured.

Also, they obviously can't find anyone or anywhere to do the job [including ports] cheaper than what Kiwirail quoted them, otherwise they would have already used that as ammunition.

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Sack her Luxon

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sack her and Luxon. while you there Reti, Castello, Mckee and the rest of them should go. However Luxcon hasn't got the balls to do anything other than comedy TikTok Atlas adds.

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I have just now sent an email to Pathetic Luxon telling him that it is incumbent on him to sack Willis. How about we ALL get in touch with him?

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So brazenly incompetent and just plain dumb.. and the arrogance of her claim to have “delivered” for the people of NZ just breathtaking. Comparisons to Liz Truss, while reasonable, may be a bit unfair to Liz.

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She is starting to mirror Truss in levels of self-awareness too - praising herself today is only something a [insert word] could muster.

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I'm surprised it wasn't released on Friday at 4pm or xmas eve, but then I realised that these arrogant callous anuses don't give an anuses product when or where they take a dump. I'm trying not to swear here.

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It seems the new railways minister backed them into a corner with the timing of the announcement - he out-smarted them again! Winnie obviously flexing his muscle & getting a new portfolio as a reward? punishment?

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Yep as Cindy said, it was Winston who backed them into that corner - otherwise it would be a 4pm Friday one liner press release at this rate.

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What a complete show of Incompetence. No amount of spin and bluster can get them out of this.

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The lack of media scrutiny and how Parliaments Question time is run under the Speaker will mean the Govt wont be held to account.

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They are good examples of incompetence and Gerry Brownlee is a disgrace. As he was for the Christchurch rebuild.

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Congrats Niki no boats, Corollas for the price of Ferraris

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Whole heartedly agree, she did not do due diligence and she has cost NZers dearly for an inferior result. Do the honourable thing and resign as you are not up to the job else please sack this minister.

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Talk about the do nothing government. Which campaigned on "getting things done". Which means cancel everything the previous government did. Regardless of cost to the taxpayer. Flushing down the toilet the previous work on the ferries, 3 waters, amalgamation of DHBs, Kainga Ora projects with the construction industry etc. Billions? They can waste our money and trample all over our democratic processes with their "fast-tracking" for mates, wrecking our health system, creating division with their Treaty Principles Bill (what actual problem is that trying to solve), pretending they are tackling carbon emissions but doing nothing.

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Nailed it, Alfred.

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You’ve nailed it!

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😱 Well what a (non) surprise ⁉️ Nicky-no-boats should certainly resign or be sacked, but won't be holding my breath as being incompetent & wasting taxpayer money on one hand & crying "no money for health" on the other is so normalised it is no longer shocking when it happens. 🤬

🤷Doesn't mean we don't keep raising their malfeasance & educating others about the consequences of this lack of competence & accountability so more people might "see" it & join the fight. 💪

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