When politicians have been bought and paid for by donors, that’s who they will serve. Divisive issues such as culture wars or abortion rights are manufactured to create tribalism and distract from the redirecting of our taxes, or our higher financial outgoings due to privatisation of critical infrastructure, corporate duopolies, exploitation of market power, favourable conditions for wealthy who collect monopoly rents (landlords/electricity gentailers owners).
We can see the same happening in Aotearoa. It’s a colonial/imperialist resource grab.
Keep NZ distracted with manufactured divisive issues then whilst people are busy getting angry with the ‘other’ left/right, woke, indigenous, poor, beneficiaries etc, pickpocket our sovereign assets.
Then use the money to buy more political power via donations.
Some people are still under the illusion that NZ’s government will dispatch our small military services to protect our country’s sovereignty. Yet it is our very government that is opening the door to sinister foreign (Atlas) threat via corporate deregulation and takeover.
🙋⁉️On topic of the odious Tui billboard re bullying a former MP, perhaps we can come up with a logo that denotes non-partisan democracy such as a selection of birds? Such as Kiwi, Tui, Takahe, Hoi Ho et al having a BBQ with a slogan above (changing for different messaging) & underneath "Yeah... You're right!!! 👍" 🤷⁉️ Anyone here a graphic designer?
👍💯 The good news we have time to turn the ship - the bad news is there is not MUCH time.
I am largely avoiding the Drumpf fiasco except brief headlines, but knowing there is 4 more years my mental health needs protecting from him, so have even stopped watching the comedians eviserate him as it is still talking about him - ignoring works best & I note a low TV audience for the inauguration organised by people being encouraged to have their TV ON but tuned to something else (because they record what people have their TV watching in the US 😱) . I am not even clicking on BBC or TV1 or any item about him, apart from my trusted experts & commentators uniting to oppose & expose, and even then not everything they cover 🤷
🤔 At least with Aotearoa we together have SOME agency in stalling the worst of it til we can reverse & repair & move forward instead of backwards & my mental & physical political energy will go towards that goal 💪
Watching both sides of the Pacific is damn depressing. The French found a solution in 1789 and maybe that is the way to go… Anything less is water off a duck’s back with this lot
Ya have to consider trump as an evil dangerous lunatic. However he was put there by American citizens so they must own the responsibility.
I think it behoves everyone slse in the would to then treat all American citizens with odium, that, to me, is the only way pressure can be applied for change, sans South Africa's apartheid.
We also are responsible for our own politicians/controllers. Unfortunately nothing here will change till labour forget about neoliberism and winning the centre. The real win will be a leadership that demonstrates to the non voters, that voting is a worthwhile endeavor.
🤔 MOST "American citizens" who actually voted did NOT vote for Drumpf, so treating the rest "with odium" will not cause any change in attitude. I was working in a front-facing tourist role in times of GW Bush as odious Pres of the US & part of it was recording the country of origin - most Americans would say "USA AND I DIDN'T VOTE FOR BUSH!!!" or "North American" & hope I might think Canadian 🤷
Another great article Tui.
When politicians have been bought and paid for by donors, that’s who they will serve. Divisive issues such as culture wars or abortion rights are manufactured to create tribalism and distract from the redirecting of our taxes, or our higher financial outgoings due to privatisation of critical infrastructure, corporate duopolies, exploitation of market power, favourable conditions for wealthy who collect monopoly rents (landlords/electricity gentailers owners).
According to academic studies, USA has been a plutocracy / oligarchy for a significant period now. https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/perspectives-on-politics/article/testing-theories-of-american-politics-elites-interest-groups-and-average-citizens/62327F513959D0A304D4893B382B992B.
We can see the same happening in Aotearoa. It’s a colonial/imperialist resource grab.
Keep NZ distracted with manufactured divisive issues then whilst people are busy getting angry with the ‘other’ left/right, woke, indigenous, poor, beneficiaries etc, pickpocket our sovereign assets.
Then use the money to buy more political power via donations.
Some people are still under the illusion that NZ’s government will dispatch our small military services to protect our country’s sovereignty. Yet it is our very government that is opening the door to sinister foreign (Atlas) threat via corporate deregulation and takeover.
If we are to win the next election it will be by mobilising significant number of disenfranchised voters
We need short snappy one liners that engage potential voters.
Shirt sharp vignettes which starkly relate to societal problems and real life experiences.
We must start to think as Atlas does on our interest.
Why not start now!
🙋⁉️On topic of the odious Tui billboard re bullying a former MP, perhaps we can come up with a logo that denotes non-partisan democracy such as a selection of birds? Such as Kiwi, Tui, Takahe, Hoi Ho et al having a BBQ with a slogan above (changing for different messaging) & underneath "Yeah... You're right!!! 👍" 🤷⁉️ Anyone here a graphic designer?
👍💯 The good news we have time to turn the ship - the bad news is there is not MUCH time.
I am largely avoiding the Drumpf fiasco except brief headlines, but knowing there is 4 more years my mental health needs protecting from him, so have even stopped watching the comedians eviserate him as it is still talking about him - ignoring works best & I note a low TV audience for the inauguration organised by people being encouraged to have their TV ON but tuned to something else (because they record what people have their TV watching in the US 😱) . I am not even clicking on BBC or TV1 or any item about him, apart from my trusted experts & commentators uniting to oppose & expose, and even then not everything they cover 🤷
🤔 At least with Aotearoa we together have SOME agency in stalling the worst of it til we can reverse & repair & move forward instead of backwards & my mental & physical political energy will go towards that goal 💪
Very concerning. Thank you for sharing light on these happenings and how they are linked
Thanks MT. Old saying he who pays the piper calls the tune. Happening in the USA and here.
Watching both sides of the Pacific is damn depressing. The French found a solution in 1789 and maybe that is the way to go… Anything less is water off a duck’s back with this lot
Ya have to consider trump as an evil dangerous lunatic. However he was put there by American citizens so they must own the responsibility.
I think it behoves everyone slse in the would to then treat all American citizens with odium, that, to me, is the only way pressure can be applied for change, sans South Africa's apartheid.
We also are responsible for our own politicians/controllers. Unfortunately nothing here will change till labour forget about neoliberism and winning the centre. The real win will be a leadership that demonstrates to the non voters, that voting is a worthwhile endeavor.
🤔 MOST "American citizens" who actually voted did NOT vote for Drumpf, so treating the rest "with odium" will not cause any change in attitude. I was working in a front-facing tourist role in times of GW Bush as odious Pres of the US & part of it was recording the country of origin - most Americans would say "USA AND I DIDN'T VOTE FOR BUSH!!!" or "North American" & hope I might think Canadian 🤷