Beautifully written and researched Tui. I'm sorry you had to do all that work, when from my life's experience I could have told you he's a nasty little shit. Anybody who professes to be a fundamentalist God botherer with right wing nut job inclinations surely nails his arseholeness to the fascist tree.

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John, if I wrote what I already know I wouldn't have to write another article again!

Granted, it's true that the masks of the party are becoming more transparent to more - and in theory my work is less important.

Health is one of our most important assets, and judging by the speed of their execution it was as I said last year.

Year 1 - plan and lay framework, change and propose laws

Year 2 - implement

Year 3 - market and sell, attack opposition.

It will be sorely expensive to fix what they have wrecked and to call Labour arsonists and others ideology driven is greatly Simeon's projection - because intent matters most.

I agree Simeon is problematic - looks like I even used the word "dangerous".

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year 4 (1st year back) privatise baby privatise.

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YES! That’s EXACTLY how it will go.

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How do we stop them?

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There's no real way to stop within our system of government. And remember at least 40% of people believe what they say e.g. "we have no money" "We are trying to fight for the frontline" "This is the best way to optimise delivery and deliver for hardworking Kiwis"

Unfortunately ignorance is their greatest strength.


They will try to destabilise and entrench private deeply so if they are voted out the next Government cannot easily fix this mess.

What we can do is try to share information so more people see it. With Dunedin, they back stepped a tiny bit - reducing capacity but not completely blowing it up yet.

Also National care a lot about their image around Health.

If more people know - for example, if we had billboards and a lot of resources to tell people what is REALLY going on, that could stop them

But we don't.

It's a David and Goliath information battle.

The other thing that can be done is we address the root causes of what has led us here.

Without that, we can't guarantee it doesn't keep cycling downards EVEN IF NACT1 lose this term

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do not vote for them next time, make sure whoever you vote for does not have privatisation on the agenda. Tell everyone you can what they are doing.

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Beautiful words John, beautiful. Covers it perfectly :)

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Summed up beautifully. NastyLS Bown will be in my head for ever more.

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Nasty LS Brown is what I actually meant.

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🤷I'm not in any way religious, but had "Christian" Sunday School lessons when I was young - I had this understanding of Christianity being about caring & sharing (in the modern wording) & cannot stand the hypocrisy of evil little twerps like Simeon hiding their lack of humanity behind the lie that they are following the "word" of someone whose only recorded words were about love & inclusion & tolerance etc - in other words the antihesis of what he claims to believe.

He's another one of those whose eyes look dead & body looks like a robot inside a person's skin - perhaps he is an AI manifestation? 👀😱 As we who care often say - all this would be fascinating to analyse if the 🤡🤬💩🤡 weren't doing so much harm in so many areas of people's lives 🤷

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I'm not a Christian but am familiar with some of their works. I imagine, like all religions, there are those who go more for the spirit, and others, the letter.

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I got an email from 'Hon' Simeon Brown (then Transport Minister) in reply to one where I questioned raised crossings being removed (replaced by paint) from a Massey, West Auckland, motorway on-ramp upgrade near a school (& also between school & community sport centre) in response to his directions and the reply was: 'Good to see'.

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He's the worst. After Auckland schools said higher speed limits risks lives, he said "Why would they support one of Labour's most unpopular policies?"

There is something weird about Simeon.

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Needless, self righteous, ill conceived, factless, harmful policy from the COC atlas government that has usurped our democracy.

Great article MT keep it up

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Given the goal of destroying public health and then privatising the corpse, Simeon is the right boy for the job. I cannot get this picture out of my mind - Simeon in his cheap despot cap driving a tank into Poland while telling them it’s what they voted for…

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He only worked at BNZ as some teller associate before becoming a National Party MP (and some Church groups)

In theory smart and intelligent and open people can learn and lead - he's demonstrated in my opinion that he has zero competencies for the job. All of them.

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Simeon Brown is undoubtedly Public Enemy NO 1 call him what you like but he is not a friend of our “ Public Health System “

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He is a very poor person.

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It's so telling when you ask an anti-abortionist to care about lives in some other form. They always show they don't actually care, they just want to control. Speed kills... don't care. Public healthcare is failing... don't care, fail faster. We need to stop giving these people power. Thank you Tui for shining a light on this menace, even if I shudder my way through it.

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You’re very welcome, and your summary - well I couldn’t say it better. Nga mihi.

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