Meter-reading. The fixed and totally unregulated 3% charge to householders was originally intended to cover the wages of an army of meter readers. The army is no more. These days the meters are read electronically and remotely by computers. The savings are enormous and the guaranteed income stream is worth billions. So good that the industry (Vector) has sold 50% to unidentified off shore investors
The hiring freezes for staff are a bit more nuanced than a blanket freeze. While there are freezes in many areas there is also a paralysis of decision making on what positions can be filled. The centralisation of Health NZ and the manufactured 'fiscal crisis' has resulted in centralisation of decision making. This centralisation funnels right up into the executive team meaning that almost every position and expenditure item has to get signed off at the highest level resulting in enormous delays.
🤔 It infuriates me that power co's have "official" sanction to progressively raise the prices of low-users because they "are not paying their fair share of maintaining lines" and then they turn round & make HUGE profits 🤬 If you are making substantial profits, then you have enough for intrastructure maintenance which is deducted BEFORE a profit, and low-users are almost always retired people & often one-person households (who else can keep their usage so low?) I guess the people being convinced to have banks of solar panels on their roof might also SOMETIMES use lines so punish them for reducing the draw on the national grid? (and the living alone retirees can least afford getting solar panels & going "off grid")
About time the govt used it's ownership shares & regulatory 💪 to address this fiasco of businesses closing down due to power costs - what does that do for the "growth growth growth" mantra of PM Humpty-Dumpty⁉️ Why would NEW industries start up or old ones expand if power costs make it unviable 🤷
As for Simeon et al - not really good advt for "Christianity" along with the thugs from Dysentary Church & their EFTPOStle terrorist leader. 😱
Simeon ..I want to kill more kids on our roads… is an interesting study! Defo religious cancel culture there but also a weird hatred for the good! Apparently AC about to spend 8 million on changing speed limit signs??? And watch out for AC Councillor Mike Lee doing nowt for his constituents here on Waiheke! Democracy is in serious danger! Local & National not to mention our international rules based order!
Another great read. The misogyny, xenophobia and anti-lgbt rhetoric is truly awful and needs to be pushed back against constantly.
I agree, it's both evident and disturbing and deserves to be called out. Too bad our corporate media are captured interests at this point.
Meter-reading. The fixed and totally unregulated 3% charge to householders was originally intended to cover the wages of an army of meter readers. The army is no more. These days the meters are read electronically and remotely by computers. The savings are enormous and the guaranteed income stream is worth billions. So good that the industry (Vector) has sold 50% to unidentified off shore investors
The hiring freezes for staff are a bit more nuanced than a blanket freeze. While there are freezes in many areas there is also a paralysis of decision making on what positions can be filled. The centralisation of Health NZ and the manufactured 'fiscal crisis' has resulted in centralisation of decision making. This centralisation funnels right up into the executive team meaning that almost every position and expenditure item has to get signed off at the highest level resulting in enormous delays.
Thanks for the explanation on this Kyle. It's very valuable to get your insights and explanations.
I like what Barbara Edmonds is saying... considering that our Government is majority shareholder of 3 big gentailers. is a good reference, thanks for sharing as had not seen it before
Yes I discovered it recently - in looking up Simeon’s track record and like it too. Cheers.
No Chris Luxon there yet though
I read the 'about' and seems is a one person work in progess
🤔 It infuriates me that power co's have "official" sanction to progressively raise the prices of low-users because they "are not paying their fair share of maintaining lines" and then they turn round & make HUGE profits 🤬 If you are making substantial profits, then you have enough for intrastructure maintenance which is deducted BEFORE a profit, and low-users are almost always retired people & often one-person households (who else can keep their usage so low?) I guess the people being convinced to have banks of solar panels on their roof might also SOMETIMES use lines so punish them for reducing the draw on the national grid? (and the living alone retirees can least afford getting solar panels & going "off grid")
About time the govt used it's ownership shares & regulatory 💪 to address this fiasco of businesses closing down due to power costs - what does that do for the "growth growth growth" mantra of PM Humpty-Dumpty⁉️ Why would NEW industries start up or old ones expand if power costs make it unviable 🤷
As for Simeon et al - not really good advt for "Christianity" along with the thugs from Dysentary Church & their EFTPOStle terrorist leader. 😱
Yep your common sense trumps the financial interest as usual.
Thank you Cindy!
Simeon ..I want to kill more kids on our roads… is an interesting study! Defo religious cancel culture there but also a weird hatred for the good! Apparently AC about to spend 8 million on changing speed limit signs??? And watch out for AC Councillor Mike Lee doing nowt for his constituents here on Waiheke! Democracy is in serious danger! Local & National not to mention our international rules based order!
He’s an ideologist, but I don’t believe he’s competent. Seems to have got the evasive PR talking lines down pat