When will The Public stand up to these inept politicians and force them to take a course in Modern Economics?? They need to read The Deficit Myth and then get on with paying for the Ferries, the Hospitals, the Schools, and Free Lunches and Dental Care!!

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And has stacked the NZTA board to approve the spending in advance.

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I've added to the notes. Cheers.

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This lots, corruption, lying and incompetence knows no bounds. We see it in auk also with the daft amount of money spent on roads, bus-ways and ferries, all to get the serfs into the CBD. Who wins? The CBD landlords. Time to get sensible and take the jobs to the people, not the people to the jobs.

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All the old cronies being paid to do dodgy Studies. Bill English Housing $500 000, Murray Mc Cully Schools $112000. Prebble on the Waitangi Tribunal, when his bias is so plain. CoC have done so many damaging and corrupt things inside 12months, we are barking at the traffic rather than the cars.The Racial divide they are creating for six months is a smoke screen to distract us from the removal of Treaty passages in previous bills, and the Fast Track Legislation. The Treaty is a check on excess so Seymour wants it gone so he can move forward Atlas plans. Supporting and magnifying Left voices is needed to counteract the Right wing blogs and media and expose Political intent.. Australia ran Spoofs on you tube and the internet, giving information in a way that could become a caption. They are also irreverent in their humour calling a spade a spade. Headings such as "Cheeky Bloody Lies and the cost of Living." We can not be polite with these people. We need to be clear factual and attack any weakness over and over again, till it is our memes winning the ears and eyes of the voters.

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Hear hear.

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And yet people voted "NO!" on the Indigenous Voice referendum, so perhaps Australia is not good at this particular subject? Agree with your other points re Te Tiriti legislation as it stands can delay or block many of the evil plans of this govt

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Trick or cheat tunneling on tick. Tunnel now pay later. From whom,? the tunnel taketh tolls

It tolls for Nicky

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So true. It’s all privatisation by stealth, turning NZ into a user pays paradise for their rich overlords.

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there shall be much a wailing and a gnashing of teeth when the Tainiwhai o Whanganui a Tara awakens. It will be poetic justice if drilling another hole thru the whenua rents their best laid schemes gang-aft-a-glee.

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Thank you Tui. Always useful info.

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Plenty of money to speed up urban cars - but not enough to provide buses for rural kids to get to school. I thought education was one of the PM’s top priorities.

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Their policies are littered with contradiction unfortunately - that's why nothing will work well - apart from them profiting off of Kiwis.

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🤔Also as they are slowly killing off the Wellington employment scene, as I pointed out months ago there will be less people NEEDING to save 10mins getting to the airport, let alone all the benefits of the other transport proposals they are NOT funding. I don't understand how blind to economics you have to be to spend mega $$ on a few projects that benefit a few people, while skimping or cancelling many projects all over the country that benefit many - COVID taught us that if we didn't know before⁉️ But perhaps (gasp😱) this is not being done for the "little people" but for the few who stand to gain $$ & rewards for vested interests? 🤷

Sapphi has a good column on why we might not be as far down the democracy gurgler as the USA - I agree, but we have to keep on the case of what this govt is doing to ensure it stays that way 🤞

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