Love all your work Mountain Tui, some of the best I have read. Keep up the hard mahi - without your work I would truly feel lost. Thank you for the ‘light’ in my day.

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Thank you for saying that. I appreciate it right back.

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More stunning policy moves from this genius government - sack half the health IT staff then expand video health calls. I suppose it will be necessary to employ IT consultants to build and maintain this expanded video health call system.

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Great point Andrew, as always.

I assume they're going to rely on privatised companies to save them but the whole thing smacks of incompetence and marketing over substance.

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Unbelievable really! Do they bdlieve they belong to the Trump Musk team, behaving in a similar way. Thanks for you work.

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They are extremely similar in ideology especially with the help of Seymour, with the exception of the added tech broligarchy with their Yarvin Ideology.

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Tui, you've nailed it again. These guys are as thick as two short planks. It would delight me if they all walked a short plank. But, please, as a live-a-board sailer, not over the sea. We've got enough crap floating around here already. Perhaps a very deep ravine would suffice

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Privatisation is their goal. Its simple. They dont give a s...t

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Thank you for your mahi, much appreciated.

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Absolutely smashing out the facts and connections - nailing it Mountain Tui.

Laying things out bare for all to see.

It is truly stark. Thank you!

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