11 hrs ago·edited 11 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

It's weird that a PM is so removed and doesn't care that he didn't get a heads up about a potential issue.

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It was funny watching it - if we believe Luxon, Bayly thought he had it under control (How?) and therefore never told Luxon who never knows anything.

Also I know there are people who are cowardly managers - and the way they manager is by pretending they don't know anything and always give an air of "you sort it out" so no-one tells them anything - and they can always appear "clean"

Lester Levy is the same.

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11 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

I'm laughing at Sopers suggestion media are a bit too hard on Bayly, ....aww that poor delicate soul...

It should've been noted as a potential issue right from the get go given it looked like Bayly had had a few...

And PM let off the hook - Lee lost her cabinet seat and yet Baylys still there. Double standards anyone?

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12 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

It is possible to run a command across an organisation’s email boxes and remove a specific email. I’ve done it when all staff received a malicious link. But a government? Surely they have journaling and all email is preserved?

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Yes and the question is why a complainant's letter would be marked as malicious...hmmm

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2 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Every day I wake up and read or hear of the latest COC cock-up I feel us (NZ) sliding deeper into the swamp. I'm recycling DJT's remark - "Drain the swamp" in this case the entire Coalition. The latest creature from the swamp, A Bayly, has slithered up from the depths and sits on the edge grinning inanely at those who would point fingers at his hideous visage while his swamp creature in chief broods down in the murk over how to drag more of the outside world into the foul smelling pool of excrement he calls home.

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They do seem to stink and are not ashamed of it

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3 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Just how thick, juvenile and arrogant does a Tory pollie have to be to get sacked. Recall the fuss they made over Golriz and Genter.

Back in the day when 'Jack was as good as his master', that sort of behaviour, irrespective of his station in life, would have earned him a serious fat lip. Can't say they got it all wrong back then.

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But if a farce that that gets a pass for sure

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Again I say - lying is not an issue if the media downplay it and then dump it. This time the Opposition is drip feeding the story and that may keep it alive until even the Herald has to notice…

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Luxon was a ring-in. Collins was stronger and she's still hanging in. The marginal Nat MPs will be nervous about his polling.

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I think the way will dump him once all the unpopular policies are enacted. No one likes Luxon

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Listening to Bayley demonstrating a complete disconnect from his actions. He repeatedly infer that he only apologized because the complainant felt aggrieved, nothing about his disgusting behaviour being totally inappropriate in it's own right. In short Bayley revictimises the complainant by implying that the individuals response was the issue and not his own drunkard (?) Behaviour. As for Luxon's response, is anyone surprised by his faux outrage. He simply doesn't give a damn. It's just one more distraction in his bucket list tour de force

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