Thank you, this is a great summary.

When I saw Luxon going on about $3 billion, $4 billion, with the lackeys nodding sagely at the rear, as they do, I just wished there was a link that We the People could click on, in the spirit of democratic process.

The link would simply convey the words: 'What you said in Parliament is a load of horse manure", with name, time and topic details to be inserted accordingly.

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And how much did it cost for the “independent advisory committee”, and who was on this committee?

It’s just such an insult to our intelligence 🤬

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And Winston has pointed out that the cancellation break fees etc are not going to be attributed to his new project so they’ll just write all that off and still give Winston a $3b max to spend

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Why lie when there is evidence to prove you are lying? Isn’t that fraud?

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Balzac said, "The biggest crimes are not crimes." - in French of course

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Yes! Very much fraud. Surely there must be a way to challenge this in the courts?

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This is what happens when lobbyists have the ear of politicians. I doubt the lobbyists were aware of the billions lost or the time line blowout

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In 12 months this CoC have destroyed the future of Aotearoa to appease their donors

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Weasle Willis, Lying Luxon, Says-So Seymour and Whining Winston. Great. Just farking great.

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