👍💯 Unfortunately we are NOT that different from the US, although we should be. We have the advantage of distance, not in kms but in perspective, but those who are not engaged and paying attention don't see what is happening in the US & so don't get innoculated or have their spidey-senses activated when they hear our lot recycling the same garbage. Those who pay attention can spot the grift immediately & read the sub-text without conscious effort.

I have tuned into the recent live Substacks with Jim Acosta, who left US corporate media rather than bend the knee, & he is talking about the various independent journalists & media creators forming an alliance based on truthful reporting so that they reach a wider audience & might break through the right-wing media bubble of some people as the crazy unfolds & it affects people in their every day lives. An interesting thing to watch out for to see if it has an effect - the interviews are a little clunky compared to "professional TV", but that is part of the charm (when the dog insists on having a pat during a segment 😁💜)

Here in Aotearoa I have noticed a few of the Substackers interviewing each other or having guests in common, & that is good too, as people might follow one person but not another so a wider audience is reached.

The BHN YouTube channel has some excellent interviews, especially during Waitangi weekend, plus they play clips from Parliament & other events that don't get covered by MSM. In general I like to READ my news, but they seem to have an eye for a good video clip 🤷

Between this Substack & all of the above, I feel like there is a growing community hungry to be informed & make a contribution to positive change and/or effective push back... Hope I'm right 😱

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Thanks for sharing and being provocative. What is happening here in NZ and in America is worrying and shouldn't be ignored.

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The lady I talked to yesterday went pretty hard for me daring to say we aren't that bloody different ...

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Obviously these people feel they have a lot to lose in admitting there's a Global connection to the new Rise of Fascism in Western Nations. The Rise of Evangelical (supposedly Christendom) gives these Fascists & Zionists a Place to hide in Broad Daylight & to use their Think Tanks & Action Groups to better plan & Organise what comes next. AND it's happening right here in Gods Own whether we want it, or Not!

Why did Luxon's profilers mention his affiliation with Christendom at the time he entered the Race as Nationals new Leader prior to the Election??? Such Christian Men are believed to be honest and upstanding beyond reproach, Right? What have we found out since the Election???

Colonialism under the disguise of Christendom have never stopped usurping Hearts and minds for the order of the Crown Enterprise as it expands to it's current and former Colonies around the Globe in the Footprints of the Missionaries that brought Christ to the Savages.

The idea was "Keep it simple Stupid" and keep the People Dumb as Stumps as to what the power of Monetary Wealth provides for the Folks that Came, Saw and Conquered the Savage Mind.

Pass the Collection box around and pretend that your Church is poor, just like their Parishioners and need your contributions to continue to bring you the Word of your God, the Almighty, that will look after you. Give to the poor will bring you Salvation, Right??? Your Chritable contribution to the Church will help us spread the Word.

That's how it starts when the missionaries arrive. God needs your financial support.

Once the uncleansed are hooked, they up the Ante, so we need MORE of your support to continue to bring you the Lords Word and Work to save your Mortal Souls.

Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, later, you're told you don't need to Vote as the Lord will provide thru your hard work for the Church & volunteer work in the community. True Story!

The above isn't a Ripley's believe it or not, it's current Doctrine in our South Pacific Island Communities. I've seen it 1st hand in Mexico, French Polynesia, Tonga & right here!

In September '23 when the Polls had opened for Early voting ahead of Octobers Election, I asked my Garden Helper if he had voted yet? His response to me shocked my socks off!

No, my Church doesn't believe in Voting, so my Wife And I don't Vote. God provides all we need...

It took me a few minutes to process that! Wow, what a Racket! Later I mentioned his comment to my next door neighbour and was again shocked at the response. Yeah Mate, I don't vote either, why bother? What's voting gonna change anyway? Same ole Sh*t, it just doesn't matter...

Now, I had heard that before over 60 years ago, from my Best School Mate in Michigan, from a devout Mormon Family. Latter Day Saints (Mormon church) discourage Politic's interfering in Saving Souls!

The indoctrination you go through as a practicing Mormon is becoming a missionary for the Church and spreading the Word House to House, Whare to Whare, wherever the Church decides missionaries are needed to control Savage Souls.

I believe this is where "Cult Think" Begins. I'm sorry if we have some folks offended, who's own Religious connections, or affiliations teach this type of Doctrine, if they feel innocently offended with my pointing to a particular Church with this practice! I'm speaking from personal experience and observation.

This is where the whole Shebang gets washed into society at the Roots. Evangelical Roots spread and provide a convenient Hidey Hole for these Atlas Type Groups to hide behind to undermine Societies. They prey on the Innocence of the captured Audience and call it Teaching Catechism...

My Garden Helper belongs to a different Congregation, I'm unsure of the actual Church he's affiliated with. This is just the Tip of the massive Iceberg of how these Fascist Groups get their start and it's right here in Aotearoa that this conjunctive, evil minded "Union" operates under the Radar.

It's like a big Tape Worm that infests your Gut and steals your Nutrition until you somehow realise it and remove it, before it kills ya.

I end up looking at this "Thing" Satirically & with as much Humour as I can muster to be able to deal with this insanity that has settled over the Human Race like a huge Dark Cloud, so it doesn't drive me completely Nutz!

There's no doubt in my mind that Uncle Sam have our current Coalition leadership by the Short & Curly's. The British Crown is nothing more than a Pawn of the old Feudal Lordship that once had an Empire to Maintain wherever they stuck a Flag in the Terra Firma. Property rights are a big thing when you have to bargain your way out of Debt with the current Landlords holding the Deeds to your Old Empire as Collateral... Now it's Trumps Job to collect from America's Debtors. We're merely a Trade Chip to be negotiated from Mara Largo....

That's most likely why Mr. Luxon isn't saying SFA about Israels Genocide's, or our Tenuous Relationship with out Major Trading Partner, China, whether we'll be signing up with ANSUS Pillar agreements and what the costs are going to be to our innocent ones in the Working Class Seats. He's just a Soldier of Fortune in the "In God We Trust" Cattle Car near the Caboose in the Red, White & blue Train circling the Globe... Loose lips sink ships, ya know?

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Thanks Tui; I totally agree. However, there's a risk that those of us concerned with the trend follow the same substackers and make comment and feel that is enough to register protest, but it could well be we're in an echo chamber and completely invisible to anyone in a position to influence politics. Even writing submissions on Parliamentary proposals feels like an ineffective exercise. Seymour's dismissal of the opposition to his Treaty Principles bill clearly demonstrates his commitment to the global right wing agenda.

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Yes, I can't say it louder - you are spot on.

And I often on purpose go to chambers from the other angles, and it's quite ugly - it feels inevitable and helpless, and I know my voice is too small to make a difference.

Same with the US Ambassador under Biden - the might of the other side is too large and it's not only a risk to democracy, it is going to kill it.

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We should be watching what is evolving politically in the UK. a country that was fed up with 14 years of Tory austerity and privatisation, so they voted for a return to a supposedly socialistic party. To date their current labour govt has been acting as another tory party. Consequently there has been a major shift in popularity for Farage and his extreme right wing party. This is because the impoverished voter is looking for change and their Labour party has not offered anything. Our left block will be the next govt in Aotearoa and must not fall into the trap of being a neoliberal lite alternative, Labour must return to its socialistic roots and return Aotearoa to a true social democracy. It must put aside anything remotely woke for the interim, Torys have played the anti woke card to their benefit. The alternative if Labour dont deliver for the working class in Aotearoa, will be a shift to the far right lunatic fringe party, Act, and then as we see in the states, Fascism

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This is something I reflect on often, John.

Even when the Tories lost, and although I found Starmer uninspiring, I knew that - irrespective of whether he was genuinely positive or negative - they would take him down.

And they have and will.

These are the macro dynamics behind tihs play and it all serves as a great lesson for us.

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This is something that scares the heck out of me! The confusing part is why Mr. Musk Ox has taken a fancy to Starmer, UK's Labour Leader??? What's up with that???

Globally, Labour Movements are being intentionally crushed, Politically. Is this to finally get at & rid of those Pesky Labour Union movements that have been on the rise again most recently, to eventually exterminate them & the Democratic Social Movements that Labour Parties supposedly represent?

NZ Labour back tracked on their Social Wellbeing Movement that got them into Government in 2017 after their Labour Movement Supporters voted them in, off the Back of "Wellbeing Policies" they campaigned on & promised to revamp & then after the election, quickly pulled the Plug on.

Possibly it was because they thought they would lose the Corporate Support they needed to pull off Kiwi Build, reversing the Sell Off of State houses under the Key disastrous Government when there were over 35K people / families on the Wait list.

The Corporates laughed in Jacinda & Chippies Faces at the thought they would ever support a Labour Government for the Bottom Feeders. Remember that???

All we've heard from Lux-Co is "It's all Labours Fault for the misery of Inflation & Recession plaguing any forward progress for the Capital Economy recovery"!

It seems to me the same thing is happening to anybody that speaks up for Liberalism & Social Democracy.

Labour had the Reserve Bank print up over $40 Billion of Debt Capital to use during the Covid Pandemic to hand out to the Boss Class & Workers that might have gone Bust had they came to an abrupt stop when the Mandates were put on, prior to the Vaccines arrival that helped get everybody working again & opened the Borders. They made Grants, that didn't have to be repaid & even created a Double Standard for Welfare Payments specifically for currently employed Folks. Long Term unemployed were passed over, probably to please the Meat Eater National Voter.

Cancel Culture Tactic's are Rampant these Days! If you identify as a liberal, you're considered a Social Leper to these Authoritarian Neoliberal Fascists. You have no Voice in any argument where Wealth is involved!

I feel this is to completely eliminate any talk of Social Equity for "We the People" that built the damn place. There was quite a lot of talk at the time about how AI & 5G Blockchain Technology was going to eliminate the Working Class jobs, so a Universal Basic Income (UBI) was necessary to protect Working Class Equity. Guess that scare the BeJesus out of our Meritocratic Market Class! They weren't willing to share any of those massive profits produced during Covid Mandate Time.

The old slogan of Money Talks & BS Walks argument has been cleansed and refreshed for the renewed Oligarchy running the show from behind Oz's Curtain. It seems they think they own the Yellow brick Road we all walk on as Taxpayers, so we need to continue paying for every step we take on it now a days, or stay home and go without.

Pay to Play is here to Stay! Too bad if you run out of Money to pay your way, you'll be sitting it out until your hard work redeems your sorry arse!

We don't own our Incomes because we're supposedly Paid for our services that are directly Taxed and clawed back by the Rich, who actually own their unearned incomes and are considered Meritocratic & Exempt from upfront Taxation, so they can Divest & Invest somewhere else and avoid the long reach of the Taxman. They have no intention of sharing anything they don't have to, as they see it, if they can get us to shut up, put our heads down and get back to work on Maggies Farm so the Profit Machine doesn't stop...

I bet this is how "Dr. Watson, I presume" felt when he was surrounded by Cannibals, somewhere in the Jungle of the 19th Century before this Juggernaut found it's feet in 1913 when the Federal Reserve Banking system started up.


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Scary isn’t a big enough word - be afraid, very afraid

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Thank you Tui.

It may be his gesture is to be intimidating; fearful people are easier to coerce.

Nevertheless, it is concerning, the whole caboodle is.

Then there is karma.

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I have just spent the morning catching up on my Mountain Tui. Thank you for all you've written this week. I subscribe to MT because I think you are spot on with your analyses and commentary. It's so important that people like you are here. Of course because I follow others on here with similar commentary I can sometimes forget that other people don't always know what's going on.

Humans are funny old things aren't we. We can have everything really good but if it stays that way for too long we forget why it was made that way - leaving an opening for misinformation, blame and everything we're currently seeing.

The one sliver of hope I keep to prevent me from becoming too despondent is a critical way we are different from the US. We are small. And that does made a difference - it might not be enough, but it keeps a possibility that we can turn around before we get too far along in the book.

Here with hope!

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100% in agreement on every point

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Thats very sane Caty. Thank you.

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I totally agree MT. I fear NZ has everything already un place to simply fall into step with the US playbook. This CoC is making sure of it and the likes of Peter Thiel put down roots here to facilitate it years ago. I personally think we need to be calling for National Strikes/hikoi/marches a la the French model to get this CoC out right now. To take the legs out from under them before they do anymore damage. 2yrs more I fear wil be too late. We need to be out the streets NOW while we still have the last residues of labour power.

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I want to respond more to this one but for now I'll just copy and paste something I just wrote:

If you look at this govt's legislative changes, crony appointments, weakening of the judiciary, and dirty politics campaign - attacking anyone who dares to write about them or speak up - that's where they are instilling the Project 2025 mini playbook.

Combined with the takeover / weakening of media, via various methods, it's not that far off.

The US is on Chapter 20, we're on Chapter 4 and that's just a natural progression in the works.

Trump wasn't this in Term 1 and the think tanks & money behind him weren't that bold back then either.

In my opinion, we can't compare the superficial things - we need to compare the building blocks in play.

Sad for those who will inevitably get hurt now.

BTW - "Don't vote for Biden and the Democrats - they're evil"

Puritanism contributed to this type of result....and it upsets me.

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Agreed but I dont believe we are at all at Chapter 4 MT abd thats why I believe we need to be out on the streets right now. We are much nearer to the later chapters than we realise and sudden global economic shifts ie tariffs, and international conflicts will accelerate the thrust. This is moving much faster than conscious democratic decision making traditionally kept checks on.

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I hear you and don't disagree at all - did you see me mention that two days I was on "liberal friendly" Bluesky and a lefty went for my throat for saying that we are not that different to the USA at all?

She then told she was a Maori and I told her that it was irrelevant to the discussion.

The point is I don't disagree but a lot of why and how I write is how to bring people who don't see what is happening along.

And if you or I say we are very close, they will look out and they can't connect the dots.

To what you say -- it's the same issue.

How do you cultivate care when the largest majority of this country is unaware, and even those who are - like the Bluesky conversation - will argue "NZ is so different"

We should be scared, worried, outraged etc. but we can't be on our own - that's the challenge, and that's how the Coalition run their calculus - with substantive resources...

TLDR: I agree with you but don't see it happening at the moment. We can try to raise awareness, educate, instruct, share.

Now you may say "Tui don't be complacent or weak!"

But I will say in response - I read "normal" channels a lot - I read the right wing platforms, I constantly monitor the mood out there and what people care about and respond to. And how they are influenced.

Also the left suck - hardly any resources come together. I've had people offer me this and that to amplify, and then they fall through - it's quite incredible and disappointing.

And the people who care most e.g. folks like you - well we are a minority....

Do you see my challenge? I am constantly sensing for opportunities, and there are some....but everything requires resources. And I don't mean money for myself - I mean it requires organisation and resources like what TPU get.

I once read this post from a famous Substacker and it was titled something like "How do we fight back?" I read it with interest and his only conclusion was - subscribe to him. And I am pretty sure he was advocating for people not to vote for Democrats too because they weren't satisfactory.

I'm sorely disappointed in the quality and organisation of our field.

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I know. I was having a frantic day yesterday and very much appreciate you taking time to reply at length. You are absolutely right. Its real easy to call for action in a sympathetic echo chamber. The challenge is to win the hearts and minds of those outside it. It guts me that we end up defending the least worst.

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Understand completely Lorna 🌳

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BTW - you are NEVER complacent and weak

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PS I find Facebook a really good gauge of the common person and their levels of awareness -


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Sobering. I dont honestly know how you stomach reading through the sycophantic ignorant BS. But thank you for doing so. I understand now your deliberate efforts to push at the edges, to join the dots. Provide breadcrumb trails to understanding . Your work is terrific. The reality is that ignorance, denial and pollyanna thinking is strong even amongst the ranks of us who do understand the danger.

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Thank you for your understanding. It's nice to have some amongs folks so means a lot. 😊

I do find it hard too - it's so much easier for me to rant and rave and point out the bleeding obvious....

Also the left is very judgemental too in parts, and the whole pot is a messy pile of human nature replayed back to us in what is happening before us.

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Agreed. The Left now need to focus on the fundamentals. The fight is between the top and the rest of us, not the points on the compass or the degrees in between. All the rest is just distraction politics.

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