Jul 6Liked by Mountain Tui

I find NACT1's logic absolutely bizarre and I find the NZ press's response even more so.

A reasonable debt to asset ratio for a privately owned developer, building houses (not commercial) is between 0.4 and 0.6. With 0.6 being considered 'slightly' more on the risky side (I wouldn't be sleeping at night at 0.6!).

This was a quick google search, plus 5 mins for validation. Why the heck can't our main stream journalists do a quick google search? And they wonder why no-one has any faith in journalism in NZ.

This should have been called out, and the public should know this stuff. Meanwhile, most of NZ is blindly moving along believing most of what NACT1 says because NO-ONE will point out the obvious to these politicians.

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The only good media now is Newsroom but most won't read them as they are too in depth. RNZ is reasonable. Newshub would try, which is why they are dead.

I think this Govt knows how to control narratives. They will control info, announce something, most of the media will parrot it as they rush to deliver headlines, and by the time the "real" info comes out - if it ever does - most of the public will only remember the Govt's one liners.

That's why they always say something memorable e.g. Kiwirail was a terrible cost "blowout". Kiwirail tried to buy Ferraris when we only need Toyotas. These things give blatanly untrue impressions - but indeed, it's actually their whole strategy.

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