
"Karen is no Victim. She's a Survivor."

Is she, David?


  • Oranga Tamariki (‘OT’) has $30 million stripped out of its budget and ~400 roles removed including record keepers, lawyers, the Office of the Chief Social Worker, all specialist Maori roles, and social worker support.

  • In March, OT had 160 social worker vacancies. The government is stripping the support of those that remain, even as caseloads and burnout is already high.

  • But there’s more - many care providers that provide frontline support to OT have also been dramatically cut. These include the nationwide Family First, which helps vulnerable pregnant and young mothers learn to take care of their young, Auckland-based E Tipu E Rea Whānau, and North Shore Women's Centre - which will be stopping all services.

  • Meanwhile, there has been drama in the House, with Childrens’ Minister Karen Chhour breaking down and claiming that she operates in an unsafe working environment after being called a “puppet” of the government.

  • But with an agency where ~70% of children in care are Māori, and tamariki needing a safe, rational, and steady pair of hands, is Chhour the best person for the job?

  • Other coverage: The truth about Section 7AA

Facts over feelings, or emotions and anecdotes first?

I believe Karen Chhour. I believe she’s hurt, and she feels that she’s doing the right thing. The issue is whether her ideology is backed by facts or feelings. Let’s face it - in daily life, most of us go with instinct, habit, feelings. There’s nothing wrong with this.

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