OMG! That must have been an exhausting, and dispiriting, task.

Thank you for your considerable effort in providing a clear précis of the dangers unbridled greed present to our society.

In america at present listening to why trump won Tuesday’s debate (because the whole setup was organised by media that is biased against him) - unbelievable, but right there in front of my face!

It seems money will always win and, under current social ‘norms’, big money is winning big. Will we ever return to a fair and just society where people will do the right thing rather than the most profitable?

History is not comforting.

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Bill - your question re: dirty politics had been on my mind. Same with KueenM's one about is there a positive angle.

I will write more about that soon and that will possibly fold in - what next? Because yes history hasn't been comforting, but perhaps there is hope at the end of this latest tunnel.

My best,


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Do hope so, My!🌟

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Judith! 💛

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Totally agree Bill!

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Tino pai! I found myself nodding a lot as I digested your words. Unfortunately I don’t see any way to make the media do their job properly until the financial side is fixed. Perhaps a left leaning millionaire can start their own tv/radio/newspaper service? When Seymour sermonises about everyone’s voice being equal he conveniently ignores the super powers that wealth bring…

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He knows what he's doing for sure. And it's a pity that they are in power as Seymour threatened media in February with a "review" and I suspect it's had an influence.

Yes money is where it's at - and they are playing it for every cent - and in our world / system that matters unfortunately!

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Not even a "left-leaning" millionaire - I would settle for "neutral & based on facts not opinion" 🤷🏾‍♀️ But perhaps an Oprah Winfrey type with a management board to just compile EXISTING independent trustworthy media - there is a lot out there (like Mountain Tui 👏🏾!)

Substack is getting there in some ways, but most ordinary folks can't afford all the individual subs they would like, or even have the time or inclination to seek them out. Whereas "Taylor Swift invites you ..." (just kidding 😂) and a gathering together of items & videos & Tik Toks & podcasts FOR FREE or for one sub only & strict rules about kicking off contributors who promote dis/misinformation? 🤬 It would benefit individual chosen contributors as some users would go to their prime source & perhaps sign up there.👍🏾

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This is what disappointed me most about Reddit moderators on r/nz when they threw me out the first time saying I was biased and wrote too much.

So now they can talk about birds and beer and take out effective commentators who threaten the right.

IMV ANYONE with a platform has a responsibility to speak up given what is happening.

And yes, you're right - if we just had one or two willing to fund something, that would be amazing. The Guardian is the one I can think of - they have been able to operate and with independence through funding models that work.

Aotearoa is probably too small for that but there has to be something!

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👍🏾The Guardian is the one source outside of Aotearoa I have kept - Reddit? who goes there of the "ordinary Kiwi" variety! I'm pretty switched on to current affairs but 1) never thought to go there and 2) have heard negative things via other sources which put me off investigating 🤷🏾‍♀️

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Didn’t The Guardian join in the attack on Jeremy Corbyn?

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I just looked up the ownership of Sean Plunket's The Platform: he owns 25% and The Wright Family 75%.

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They’ve helped to make him a very rich man!

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David Seymour likes the Aussie dancer! Teachers steal lunches! Seymour doesn't see colour, just need!


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It's really normalising people like him and Trump in the mainstream isn't it?


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I think I, and maybe you Tui, started writing because we recognised that the media was struggling to cover everything already and they’re only shrinking as the media landscape shrinks and as the right cut funding/refuse to bail them out, so some of what used to be being done by journalists might need to be taken up by bloggers and tiktokkers and the like. it’s a grim idea but long-term it’s the same issue with our infrastructure and welfare crises — the model doesn’t match the need, and news needs to be rethought in line with how we fund everything else, probably.

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You're right sapphi, as usual. It becomes a David vs Goliath issue though. There is no way even the most successful independent can take on the might of a media empire with name, brand, reach, and channel.

I think the political system needs a wholesale upheaval to address these very significant issues - but like in the US, the issue is the polarisation and left and right views, whereby any efforts to change things will be met with calls of betrayal, and extreme bad faith attacks.

That's the one I can't quite crack - how do we tackle that misinformation/disinformation - to me that's their real power and source of strength. And once people latch on they increasingly attach it to their identity so it becomes difficult to crack ala MAGA

sapph ⭐️

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The left arguably has been given a mandate for mass systemic change in New Zealand, the US, and Canada and probably more places at least once since the 80s. Idk about Aussie, and the UK Labour party is worse than useless so never even got that oppportunity, but they could have done so this election if they’d chosen to. But bernie, jacinda, trudeau — all were leaders where the public wanted greater change but were stifled by the centrist, softly-softly, gradual change approach of the status quo major parties, and so the parties or people were unwilling to take the mantle and lead the change.

The right aren’t going softly softly, when they come in, they upend everything and leave the left to clean up the mess. They get more done. The left could do that much if they wanted to.

I think the question comes down to; who is going to be the left’s margaret thatcher to come through and say “this. this is the answer the country is looking for.” and get everyone behind them. Once one country does that, the other countries will follow, either voluntarily or because they hit a crisis point like we did before rogernomics.

or something like that. is my uneducated reckonings ;)

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Completely with you.

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I watched Yuval Noah Harari on Diary of a CEO on YouTube last night which focussed more on AI and algorithms spreading false info and reading this MT post today…. I keep coming back to thinking of how so many people have their fears played upon, they are being exploited. So, playing dirty, yeah-nah. I’m sure it’s not the answer. One thing that really stood out from the interview with Yuval was “democracy is based on dialogue and communication. The moment we start to see the others who have opposing views as the enemy we are on the path to totalitarianism.”…. This was in the context of the upcoming US election but a still very relevant to what’s happening here and the issues highlighted in your post MT. Btw, I’m very grateful for your work. https://youtu.be/78YN1e8UXdM?si=Y3NSzRebhWQ4QZ45

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Thanks for what you say and share KSJ.

I'll be honest in that for months, my intention and wish when starting to engage in politics was to find middle ground, find dialogue, reach out, focus on community. To me - politics shouldn't be tearing any one apart, and in fact, that's what I love/d about NZ - we could differentiate.

But for me I had a standard - no intentional misinformation. No lies. Apparently that was a hard bar in itself.

But the more I do this - and especially now, at times I am tired of the players and the game. Hence my post yesterday.

I'll take a look at the video later, thanks for sharing it.



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I read your post yesterday and I noticed the shift. I agree with you and nothing you said was incorrect. What I particularly like about your work is the research and links you provide to back it up. The media in NZ is definitely being silenced. Recently we were told by a journo that their publication wouldn’t write about the health of our local river as the deputy chair of the nzme board was also the ‘independent’ chair of a particular energy company that is responsible for impacting the health of our river….

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I look forward to a genuine political revolution - and very soon, KSJ.

It is time.

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