What a fantastic article MT. This vile persecution angers me because it stems predominantly from my generation (boomers) I was educated in a RW, privileged, redneck , farming province, and didnt realise until I left Aotearoa to work overseas just how blinkered and indoctrinated I was. Sadly alot of my school friends have never left that racist, bigoted community so fester in their ignorance. I have unfriended many because they will never change.

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💪👍💯👏👏👏 I appreciate ALL your articles & the mahi that goes into them, BUT this one is the best you have written 🫂💯 no notes 💜❤️💙

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Great article yet again. This rift in Aotearoa is sadly growing by the day. As a member of the Rainbow community, I have always said that our Human Rights are hard won and unless exercised regularly, easily lost.

This government is rapidly eroding the rights of many diverse minorities and yet it is their role to uphold and extend rights to all.

The fact that mps of this govt have gotten away without much scrutiny and consequences is beyond belief. 😡

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It’s been absolutely disgusting how she has been treated.

I wish the actual wording and the author names, of the threats would be publicized so the general public can see what she (and other high profile woman) have had to deal with.

I don’t think the “average” person has ANY idea how abhorrent and violent these keyboard warriors are.

It’s not okay.

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I can think of two - David Seymour and Jordan Williams dog whistling to get others to do the dirty work

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I grew up with an outstanding women who was a mover and shaker of nursing education in Aotearoa New Zealand - she was my mother - intelligent, highly competent, engaging and empathetic. As a consequence of who my mother was I have always celebrated women, their competence, their contribution to community and society! I have no understanding of why this country across men and women has developed a large pool of hateful, brutal, misogynist people. As a country we have some serious reflection and adjustments to be made! That adjustment is unlikely to happen with the current Govt nor much of main stream media, nor those that practice law. Your perspective Mtn Tui was an excellent compassionate reflection and you are part of the change that is much needed!

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I have a secret, Paul, and that is that sometimes I read posts and readers like you and I feel so inspired and moved, so incredibly grateful to meet such people who care deeply and are of heart and substance.

I can't speak for what I am but I can feel who your mother was - and I celebrate both her and yourself - who you chose to be and are.

Thank you for caring and for standing up with us.

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Excellent writing young man. The point that irks me immensely every time is the willingness of (presumably intelligent) female journalists like Tracey Wot(the f**k)ins to put the boot into young female brown and leftish citizens, it feels like the same type of betrayal as Tama, Reti et al to things Māori. Remembering her work prosecuting Khmer Rouge I wondered who has more empathy, Seymour or Pol Pot?

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Well said Keith!!

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Thank you Mountain Tui.

Your compassionate understanding is so needed right now as we hurtle towards a very scary future.

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🙋 Followup - I wrote to Stuff & told them how disgusting their pursuit of Golriz was/is, particularly as they raced to print without the facts, and that I was cancelling my sub (& then did so immediately 💪) I want to support local journalists but not publications that betray every ethical & professional tenet that my journalist friends of old used to adhere to 🤷

2nd I was going to avoid P&S today for groceries, but instead I went & deliberately filled 4 x re-usable bags inside my trolley as I shopped, then emptied them one at a time at the checkout. It was petty & no-one but me probably noticed, but somehow it felt like solidarity to Golriz (except of course no-one approached me either before or after checkout 😱)

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When I read you, I feel like I am walking on clouds. You rock - and you're just awesome.

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Thank you so much for this Tui ❤️. Watching what happened to Metiria was painful and signified the end of me being politically active. There have been others too but there is something about the way Golriz has been treated seems more vicious. I despair at how these women are treated, the double standards and misogyny. I can’t thank you enough for highlighting this 🙏

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Thankyou Tui. Don't ya just want to give her a big hug, and donate some money so she can sue the pants off these arseholes.

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👍💯 A 🫂 & some of my scarce $$ if she COULD sue without drawing even more hateful threats & vicious rhetoric 🤬

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Hey Tui, yes something is off with this pak n save incident that requires a deep dive. Company behind software is Auror. (HT to anyone who gets the Harry Potter reference) largest shareholder is Movac whose number 5 fund is kiwi wealth KiwiSaver money. Founders are recent EY entrepreneurs of the yearhttps://www.cie.auckland.ac.nz/newsroom/from-velocity-to-ey-entrepreneur-of-the-year-retail-crime-intelligence-platform-auror/

Questions need to asked about privacy and legality of information sharing.

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Hi Dave, long time no see.

What do you think - could've been the police too though, or an employee. Multiple sources, but hard to get into a private organisation - let alone the police who have shielded themselves behind an effective 'no comment'.

On the most recent headlines, I realised that most people - including me, assumed it was Golriz stealing "again" - but she didn't so the damage the media did to her - and without verifying the information - deserves a firm reprimand and questions about their ethics and standards of behaviour.

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Yes I am going to have a poke around a little and see what I can find out. Feels like it is a feature rather than a bug and that is pretty interesting…

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So how's that convenient "Facial Recognition Software" working for our Monopoly Grocery shops that seem to evade Price Gouging scrutiny by our Commerce Commissioner? Why have they escaped Civil Action so far for their intentional Actions of Consumer & Producer Gouging? I guess White Collar Crime done in Broad Daylight is different somehow?

Seems that anyone can be targeted if CCTV catches them in their Local PnS, NW, or Woolworth shop & assumes they must be up to no good because they "Ping the Software" when they enter the shop.

Maybe shootin Fish in a Barrel should be illegal because it could damage a perfectly good, expensive Barrel in the process of Hunting innocent Prey. I wonder if the software used for Facial recognition is called "Pegasus" for best targeting purposes if there's a profile loaded in to support suspicion just in case they walk through the door with their Face exposed to surveillance Gear? If your face is showing and your on somebodies list, you must be guilty of something, right???

I hope Golriz sues their Cotton Socks off for even printing this story in it's false accusations!

We have a Government that doesn't even recognise a Genocide when they clearly see one, but allow Military Grade Facial Recognition software to be used to catch their enemies when they suspect a Crime must have been committed, without the person even trying to walk out without paying, or even getting as far as the Check Out before gettin hauled up by the Goon Squad monitoring the CCTV Camera's & forced to empty their bag inside the store.

This has Zionist & British Colonialist Security tactics all over it. The only thing missing was sending in the Drones to eliminate the offender, who's Face was considered a Target by Atlas & Co.... Wonder what lies below the surface on this? Who's the next "Greenie Target" to be made an example of??? Enquiring Minds want to know! Where was her Gang Patch hidden???

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That's the issue with the money difference. Those with deep pockets and deep backers can play the legal system, PR games, etc. Those without....become Golriz.

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Deep pockets and CoC donations will be the key to who get Cheese and who gets continually shamed as an enemy of the State. Golriz will always be a Greenie and fair game for LuxCo to remind everyone that Greens are Anti-Status Quo and can't be trusted. They must be nurturing Criminal Elements, so have no credibility in the Economic Process of getting our Private Economy producing profits for the Governments coffers.. Pay to Play comin right up!

We're on a Fast Track already with the Call out to the Meritocratic Market to get in behind and lift the Rich Boats & sink the Rest. The RBO (Rules Based order) take no prisoners. You're either with us, or you must be with the Gangs, so we'll hunt you down and expose you to the light of the RBO when we see your face in public places.

Phase #1 (1st Term) is to shake the bushes and crush those Opposition enemies like Bugs, so they can't breed discontent in their Caucus'. When they stand up, we'll knock em down!

Can't wait to read your idea of the Reshuffle after the last TPU-C / Pole. Reti's under the Bus & Simple Simeon is the next sacrifice to the Market gods to insure those profits are pocketed in a more timely manner & the privatisation of Public Health goes more smoothly after the reshuffle. The prince of the Pothole better get his stuff together pretty fast, or Bishops arse will be one cheek short of a set...! Whip it, Whip it Good! (Devo) as in Devolution.

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I also think the ‘Left’ should fight hard back and hold perpetrators to hate and misogyny to account eg Seymour. When he said of Ghahraman, “that she is a menace to this Country,” obviously she posed a threat to Seymour and his ideology! Many of us would see Seymour in the light of - “he is a menace to our Country.” Despite name suppression of a certain criminal I’m waiting for the question to Seymour to be asked - “has their been a pedophile in the ranks of ACT?” “What have you been hiding?”

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I couldn't agree more Paul.

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Such Compassionate writing and beautifully communicated . I totally 100 %agree that the media hounding of this woman is unacceptable . It makes me just sigh again !🥹.

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Poor due diligence and Stuff doubling down on their error was disappointing - although I suppose I've thought very poorly of Stuff since I saw them quote Simeon Brown verbatim last year - despite those quotes being factually incorrect.

Thanks for the kind comment.

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Thank you for your clarity - you are who I come to when I need a sane voice

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🙏 Thank you.

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Tautoko 💜💜💜💜💜💜

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🙏 🌳

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