The well heeled in my circle are walking on air and taking trips abroad while their tenants look after their accreting assets. Some are Labour supporters but we know that team lost its way when the safe seaters at the top of the List did not support their captain. She wanted CGT but they let her go under a torrent of undeserved abuse that they should have shielded her from. Shame

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5 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

👏 I'm definitely sharing this one around, pity we can't take a front page ad in The Herald with all your salient points!

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We could if we were rich enough I suppose. But we just don't have the same backers as the ones who want to keep NZ in the dark.

Thanks David.

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You have hit a multitude of nails on their heads - when will the media and the 50% of voters (not of NZers) see the truth about this National vandalism

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When they hear it Keith.

Yesterday I had a number of different questions to me:

1. Wait, did we really borrow for tax cuts (Yes)

2 Wait, why are we giving money to tobacco companies (I guess they missed it on their Facebook feed or Newstalk radio)

3. Alwyn Poole what???

Given the lack, it's up to us to do it - and Facebook is a medium that needs to be addressed.

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Well said Keith! I am ashamed of those who see this Government as anything other than liars and criminals!!

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4 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

A former Pm in the UK called her own right-wing Tory party the ‘nasty’ party. It is obvious from the past 30 or so years that label applies here in NZ too. Right-wing parties have the cruel, cynical policies in spades. They call out anyone who disagrees with these. The siren call we hear most Is ’We can’t afford it!’ Provably wrong.

Today we are off to the march in Dunedin. At least this will enable us to let off some steam. I wonder how many National supporters will join us?

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I thought of you Tony yesterday and today as it pertains to the Dunedin hospital developments, and thought you would be at the march.

Bravo Tony !

And I hope more people will awaken to the intentional mess this lot is driving into NZ - for nothing more than personal profit and vested big money interests.

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3 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

I hope so too! I am heartened by the comments I have read today! Keep pushing! The tide is turning!!

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Tui I’ve had the same thoughts. If it’s true that a bad economy loses elections, Labour would have been screwed for a decade, even if they’d handled it well. Which they certainly would have handled it better, even if it was just by virtue of not cutting public spending and deepening this dive into negative growth.

Doesn’t say good things about our politics though.

I hope this hell-period will result in a country thoroughly disenchanted with National who are willing to give Labour a shot to fix this economic, democratic and infrastructure crisis. I’m not holding my breath, but I hope.

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Yes, and what it shows me, sapph, is that the lies and soundbites won.

Sure, Labour were probably imperfect (I didn't pay enough attention then but from my policy reviews post-election I see that National have spent their entire term repealing Labour's work so I suspect the "Labour did nothing" motto is also a myth) - but to be hounded and lied about at every step - miscontextualized, constantly on the back foot etc - will undoubtedly cause more issues for the country. Not just Labour or Greens or TPM. Our whole entire country.

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Hi Saphie. Would you mind having another go at that first paragraph? I think I agree with you, but I just want to be sure 😊

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4 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Well said Tui, you keep banging the drum and I'll keep sharing with the rednecks.

Now we just need to find the formula enabling the left parties to coalesce and present a united front. This is winnable.

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Yes we need unity and today John I spoke to a doctor who asked us for help to communicate their needs. There are connections. We just need to make them and let's continue doing so. Good weekend to you.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Absolutely agree. Shared.

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45 mins agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Another hard hitting post MT, thanks. That billboard with Shane Reti…. The blatant lies, say anything to get elected. It does my head in! On another topic, Seymour’s treaty principles bill, I see Action Station have great billboards in a variety of sizes and stickers with a great logo and “together for Te Tiriti” message available for those who want to express support for the Treaty.

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