Winston"s humility is exceeded by his ego. He is delusional, thinking that he knows what's best for us. He only supported National to get back into parliament. If he didn't go into coalition with National & Act we'd still be getting upgraded port facilities & big new ferries. Now there is no certainty that the ferries won't be privatised. Latest rnz.co.nz photo op Peters shaking hand with Chinese, in story about New Zealand's image if we don't increase our defense spending. Odd how gov't can find money to increase spend on military but can't find money for public health or public housing.

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Good points

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Sorry, I must correct what I wrote, it isn't a photo of Winston shaking hands with Chinese, It is a photo of Winston shaking hands with a South Korean.

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Geoffrey, I skimmed it as South Korean so I wouldn't know any better :-) Still think your points stand about the ferries - there's an edit function above too (three dots at top right)

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Thanks for the Editing Tip. I've plum missed this little helper in the past. 100% agreed on the Ferries Point by Robert(s).

Willis should be rode out of town and forced to resign for her blatant lying and incompetence in her role as Finance Minister.

I wouldn't blame Grant Robertson one bit if he sued her for Slander for her vicious attacks on him when National Gained power!

"By Gone's" doesn't fix this mess! She needs a Fast Track right out of her job, per her promise to resign in the 1st place! This Mob needs breaking up before any more damage is done!

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Less for More should have been Nationals election promise.

Less government competence for more idiot atlas agenda.

or in the case of Nicky no boats, less boat for more money and delayed delivery.

Nicky No Votes would be just as accurate.

But dont worry these clowns will be able to improve GDP 😂😂😂😂

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Go Rob!!

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🤣 Laugh or you cry eh ⁉️ Hyundai is a business & will happily build us smaller/dearer/delayed ferries while pocketing the break fees for the previous ones, and no doubt modifying the ones they had started & sell them at at least recovery costs to someone else 🤷 And agree with others - If Winston pulls this off he can rub the Nats noses in it all the way to the next election 🤮

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And if course the engines they had already started to build for the original ferries were designed using NZ money which is now gone. National have always been the party for delayed infrastructure - it's not a bug, it's a feature.

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can we just build the boats already 🤦‍♀️truly the neverending story

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We would have had them next year - next generation, future proofed ferries. Of course it's infuriating because it is.

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I'm pleased to hear this, of course. Do we know whether these possible smaller ferries will be capable of carrying rail freight, as the bigger ones were to be?

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I've heard Winston Peters is an ally of rail so I anticipate it will be but let's see.

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Lets hope............I may have to rise up and call the grumpy old dog blessed after all............and keep other blasphemes for Wicola Nillis.....ole NoBoats........who still gets to be some kinda economic faery........still holding her wand. NOT! As in not faery at all.

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This will be portrayed as a great victory for Winnie, which it is!

Poor old Luxon and Nikki no Boats will be shown for the incompetents they are, rightly having to carry the responsibility for the break fee and all other extra costs their stupid act of cancellation has incurred. While Winnie rubs their noses in it during several weeks of victory laps.

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While this looks like a win for Winnie - we shouldn't forget he was right there with Nicola and Luxon when they cancelled it on feels - and he blamed Labour for the last deal which he was directly involved in.

Is he good at politics? Yes.

Is he a saviour? Far from it.

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I well remember the first National-NZ First Coalition: I was in hospital with viral pneumonia and all the other people in the ward were bemoaning their wasted votes. "I was sure he'd go with Labour"

If I could have spared the breath I would have told them it was obvious. He was no saviour then and he never will be.

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I'm hoping that National will have to own this debacle and pay the Taxpayers back for all Fee's paid in, breaking this Contract with Hyundai for our Ferry's and the infrastructure Contracts with Port Picton & Wellington. This should come directly out of the National Parties Bank Account in making us all whole for these Massive Tax Spends in the Taxpayers names.

I've never heard Winston sound so depressed in a news Interview as this morning on RNZ at 7am. I think Winston is tired of eating Raw Crow, covering these inept Peoples arses as he has had to do this past year!

If Winston can pull off a salvage on the cancelled costs & get these Ferries signed up and delivered, I would think it's time he retired from politic's and went Fishin! Shaking hands with the Devil has it's costs when you're seeking power at all expense! He shoulda known better and waited Luxon out before signing up...

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Just so, so frustrating.

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