Private hospitals in nz do elective surgery only, and if there are any complications the patient is transferred to the public system. Private hospitals will not provide any medical, paediatric, geriatric, cancer, diabetes, coronary care (there's heaps of other areas, those are just the ones off the top of my head). No clinics or preventative health programs. This initiative is, as you say an awful short term economic solution to underfunded. People of aotearoa (all of us) will be the losers
👍💯 - but the ones who want to continue underfunding/defunding PUBLIC Health either don't know, or worse, don't care! Some of them obviously have an actual $$vested interest in private facilities 🤬, plus they will be out of office by the time the worst effects of their egregious decisions are evident - by their nature health care workers will drive themselves into the ground trying to prevent harm to patients, but it won't hold back the inevitable of people dying in greater numbers from preventable causes 😥
🤬Keeeping up with these f$#*wits is so exhausting eh? 😱 They are so unfit to be implementing policy because of their obvious conficts of interest & ideological bias, not to mention (esp. Lux-flakes) their total lack of understanding of what ordinary people in Aotearoa deal with in their daily lives, let alone medical, housing, education etc. or even climate emergencies. 🤷
'Tis true. It's like waking every day to see more and more shit being flung around the country. Meanwhile our media fold and are weak - what a sad state of affairs. I'd much rather the media do this job than me.
And the effects of their policies are all quite heartbreaking and will cost Aotearoa NZ much much much much more.
Private hospitals in nz do elective surgery only, and if there are any complications the patient is transferred to the public system. Private hospitals will not provide any medical, paediatric, geriatric, cancer, diabetes, coronary care (there's heaps of other areas, those are just the ones off the top of my head). No clinics or preventative health programs. This initiative is, as you say an awful short term economic solution to underfunded. People of aotearoa (all of us) will be the losers
👍💯 - but the ones who want to continue underfunding/defunding PUBLIC Health either don't know, or worse, don't care! Some of them obviously have an actual $$vested interest in private facilities 🤬, plus they will be out of office by the time the worst effects of their egregious decisions are evident - by their nature health care workers will drive themselves into the ground trying to prevent harm to patients, but it won't hold back the inevitable of people dying in greater numbers from preventable causes 😥
🤬Keeeping up with these f$#*wits is so exhausting eh? 😱 They are so unfit to be implementing policy because of their obvious conficts of interest & ideological bias, not to mention (esp. Lux-flakes) their total lack of understanding of what ordinary people in Aotearoa deal with in their daily lives, let alone medical, housing, education etc. or even climate emergencies. 🤷
'Tis true. It's like waking every day to see more and more shit being flung around the country. Meanwhile our media fold and are weak - what a sad state of affairs. I'd much rather the media do this job than me.
And the effects of their policies are all quite heartbreaking and will cost Aotearoa NZ much much much much more.
Of course private facilities will only take the easy, non-chronic, cases making it simple for them to appear 'more efficient'
Easy to game the game they are playing.
Where and when are the March for health as I have had numerous enquiries here in the Manawatu area
These are the ones currently planned, Geoff, but to be honest, what I think we need is a movement and collection of people to mobilise a Health one.