I'm somebody who has spent my life working for social justice and a "hand up" society. I cut my life member's card up of the Labour Party during the term of the last Government. after 43 years membership as an activist and an elected rep. I despair at the lack of spine of most political candidates. Controlling bureaucracies is an art form understood by too few elected reps. The Post Office Enquiry in the UK is a modern-day parable. It demonstrates every day it sits how shallow is the modern corporate model imposed on the world by neo-liberal economics. Most politicians don't, or can't, see beyond this myth.

The Royal Commission on Abuse in State Care challenges us, as a society, to rethink our community structures. We should use our current valueless Government decisions to challenge us to rethink our welfare and support systems. Those of us who are older (I am 73) and being paid by the State with a pension, for us to think and support the birth of new solutions for society. We have a responsibility to retain our activism. To walk alongside younger generations who have not had the experience we have had and for us to promote and encourage alternatives which would restore this to become a decent society. This path will not be simple. There are massive forces which benefit from things as they are right now. Change is essential. There are amazing powerful ideas being played with around the world. Available for us to debate, to modify to our needs and to force politicians to start thinking about them.

I'm a starter. Who else would be? I don't trust politicians to lead us into new places. Democracy is about us, ordinary people with our own networks, saying what we want.

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Garry, Your comment is inspiring, as is your life’s passion. I agree with you that things have quite possibly changed a lot, hemmed and ransacked by corporate influencers and attack/smear vehicles. Another posted a link of an organisation which seems to have an ethos of change - and there are many. The question is how it all gets linked up and connected to produce something akin to the mother of all left wing think tanks. I am smiling as I say that because in essence that’s what Atlas Network is - the only difference is they are funded by the money behind bigwigs like tobacco and pay people to join them. It’s a big machine, and like a train coming to a stop, that type of density will involve some time and possibly an accident or two, but how does the little person(s) work against it? Access to media, a reason to exist, resources, time, effort. Just some initial thoughts.

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I trained as a Chartered Accountant by studying by night at Tech and working in CA's offices by day. In the first office I worked in the senior partner called me into his office one day and said he was going to give me one lecture while I worked for him. He said "we rise and fall on our ethics. End of lecture". I don't care how big, or how well funded, the machine backing up our current Government is, ethics, truth and evidence, will always in the end win any argument. It is time for the sectors in our society, which have a commitment to ethically high standards of decency, to stand up and challenge the current narrow economic judgements being imposed on our society and to support alternative thinking, and solutions.

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Every time I read you, Garry, I can't agree more. It rouses a passion in me. I wish it were so. Sounds like you had a really good partner there too.

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Us passionate people need to stand up together and voice alternative thoughts and arguments to those being espoused by the current Government

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Feels insurmountable to work it up to effective action, Garry.

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As somebody who's gone down a similar road of disillusionment with Labour over the years since Rogernomics and (despite the briefest of honeymoons with Jacinda who soon disillusioned me even further) I share your feelings regarding the exploration of new solutions and the essential idea of change. Though I'm really a bear of little brain I do have an instinct for what is right and fair and manageable (twenty-one years as a classroom teacher helped me elaborate on those instincts and run programmes for children and their learning and self-esteem in general which seemed to work in their modest sphere in my world. Now, as I approach 75 I'm more than ever imbued with making a difference and countering those with money for brains and prize it as something with which you keep the score in the game of life. I'm heartened by your words and by the Mountain Tuis I've come across and others like Bernard Hickey, Bryce Edwards, Martyn Bradbury, Gordon Campbell and Punishingly Haimoana. There are enough "inspirers" out there making good sense - hopefully something can be forged from all of these strands of different people's energy that will make a difference against the forces of greed and misinformation.

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Thanks. This isn't the Peter Mechen I went to school with in Palmerston North?

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Thank you Tui. I’ve just been made redundant and I’m going for jobs that have hundreds of applicants. I’ve just been granted a benefit. I think the story of this accountant shows that the system makes mistakes. In fact it often makes mistakes. And it’s super fucking hard to rectify them; that poor chap will have to prove his innocence and then there will be a delay in paying him back and then it might be the wrong amount and so on. The more complicated the system the greater the likelihood of mistakes- and the system has just become vastly more complicated. But Tui you are right: there are many ways of doing a society. We can do better. We can have universal basic income, MMT, old school Keynesianism. None of this is inevitable or natural. The main thing we need to do is connect with each other

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I'm sorry to hear it. That can't be easy....and I agree with everything you say here, Karen. If and as a decline continues I can't see another way than an evolution that is demanding to happen. Please stay well and as you say, let's all stay connected.



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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

A hint of positivity, well done. Changing the mindset of the median voter is the challenge facing writers of influence like yourself and Bernard Hickey - but don’t forget the resources being marshalled to stop meaningful change.

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Yes, formidable money and resources. Hence why I wrote "The left has been stupid. The right has been busy".

In a way, Keith, I am thankful at how blatantly dumb and cruel the current lot are. No PR slogan can hide that from more and more people.

Thank you as always for your presence - I am thankful.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Indeed, not only does a "smile" make the recipient feel seen, but it makes the GIVER feel uplifted - endorphins or some such?

Anyways, the truth is while everything is going well we tend to get lazy as thinkers & activists, apart from the odd few who just need a challenge & go looking for it even if they are comfortable & happy (such as inventors, writers, & other creators). One of mysayings for years has been "it is more important to know what you DON'T want, than what you do", on the basis that then you know when to say "no" to something, when to push back, when to protest etc.

This govt is crystalising what many of us DON'T WANT & should be motivating to bring about change as you discussed, and to step up where & when we can to minimise the damage in the mean time if there are people we know doing it tough or being beaten down deliberately - even going as an advocate support for someone who is overwhelmed & not good at dealing with bureaucrats. I did this once for a relative who admittedly was a bit combative (with good cause IMHO!) & I started taking notes & asking reasonable clarifying questions - on that occasion a complete change of attitude & progress where there had been unreasonable delays & blockages.

I read about a nationwide organisation of "grannies" who were running cooking classes for people who only know takeaways & other pre-prepared (and more expensive) meals, or teaching knitting or darning or .......( fill in the blank!) As you say, there are a lot of wonderful caring people who are the MAJORITY & are not on board with bashing beneficiaries, rewarding super-rich & other mates, and setting race relations & Maori issues back decades. Perhaps we could borrow from the Harris/Walz presidential campaign in the USA & start writing/chanting "We're NOT going back!!!" at every opportunity??

Thank you for noticing & writing about things that we might otherwise miss, and this is a resource we can come back to and/or save particular essays for reference. And we can share perspectives & grumbles in the comments!

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Cindy you are always so wise. I agree with you - and in reflecting on all that is, would so many of us bother getting out of our beds or off our butts if we weren't so disappointed by the clown show in action?

I like what you say about small changes, activisim and help too. It's like that butterfly effect thing - small changes can change the world, even if we don't always know it.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

You helping a friend with officialdom reminded me of my friend who was getting grief from ACC over a medical misadventure. He was called to another meeting and took his wife with him, he introduced her and said "she has come to take notes", the guy said excuse me ill just get my manager. Not too much bother after that.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

LOL ... it WAS ACC in my case too 😁 Similar reaction to my "I'm just here to take notes" after being introduced😉

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Aug 15Liked by Mountain Tui

Don’t forget the front line staff at ACC WiNz MSD are workers and will be under a lot of pressure from above to follow ministerial directives etc. And their jobs are most probably on the line. They are the ones who have to bear the brunt of the anger of those impacted. So if it is practical to have a support person to take notes, to help keep dialogue respectful both ways it is a good thing.

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Yes, absolutely. An often forgotten point and there are so many who will bear the brunt of this. Thanks for your reminder on good practice here.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

To quote Grace Blakley, author of Vulture Capitalism.

"Human beings have an rnormous capacity for kindness, compassion and generosity as much as they do for competition and violence. Capitalism, of course, promotes ruthlessness competitiveness and self interest".

And so we see increasing demonstrations of capitalist ruthlessness and self interest every day

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Working on it. Will share some ideas soon but just an fyi Maslow’s hierarchy was not meant to be a pyramid https://forge.medium.com/maslows-pyramid-is-a-marketing-lie-14202930e20

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You are so smart - that's somehow really good to know. Thank you Dave, I look forward to your thesis and thoughts. 😊

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Sorry just a little hobby horse of mine when I see Maslow and pyramids !

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I like it. Really 😀 In my mind, I go "Wow how cool that he knows something like that." Hence my point about the quality of people we have. John Walker did the same for me yesterday with the "thought of the day" I published - he wrote it on yesterday's article comments, and I thought "smart...."

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Oh I do find your writing incredibly on target, with a positive note of hope. Thank you.

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Thanks for being here. I like friends and feel I've met a few here.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Love your positive writing today MT! We must, and will, change!👍🌟

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100% 😍 Thanks Judith!

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Thank you Tui, will share.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

Thanks Tui. Thanks Michael. I hadn’t heard of weall.org.nz. Great clear video. Will share.

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Aug 14Liked by Mountain Tui

This might help https://www.weall.org.nz/

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Thanks Michael.

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