16 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

This is how NZ goes backward. Siphoning off public money to private interests for no real performance or service to the public and it happens unashamedly and consistently under National. Stopping kiwi saver contribution's and selling generating companies are other misguided examples.

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16 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

This is depressing 😕

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This one pissed me off.

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16 hrs ago·edited 16 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

I was at MoE when the Key govt had charter schools. While I actually appreciated some of the reasons for them I didn't agree with the process and the approach taken to introducing charter schools. The other thing to note is policy development takes time but not when your Minister is Seymour. I feel for the public servants who have to stop and go back to square zero on policy when govts change.

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I was reflecting on a similar point recently ie much of what is happening eg efficiency, outcomes etc are fine in and of themselves if done properly but the thing that is lacking here for me is the trust in these figures of Seymour, Willis et al. And just like health etc it’s the real people who are trying to pick up the pieces whether as implementers or those impacted by the policy

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It is depressing......goodness only knows what the pupils of these schools will be taught. At the very least there most certainly be a strong bias to the right.

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I think it really highlights how important educational standards are - but charter schools are specifically designed to sidestep those precise standards.

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And that's what I can't get my head around. Tax payers dosh and they can basically teach what they like yet public schools are apparently going to be under very close scrutiny according to the Ed Minister to ensure the curriculum is being taught according to the Ed Minister.

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12 hrs ago·edited 12 hrs agoAuthor

It’s an ideology to introduce privatization. And as they take more from education and pay charter schools handsomely (and allow them to take state resources/teachers etc) they can build bigger business cases to continue siphoning taxpayer money to private schools

IMO the rest doesn’t matter to them.

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13 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

One would think Alwyn Poole would be barred from the Charter School space after being caught out with financial impropriety last time? But being a See-less mate I won't be holding my breath 🤬 Seems the money See-less says the govt doesn't have will be in safe hands (/s)

The bright spot of the day once again goes unexpectedly to Matthew Hooton 😉🤭💙 Masterful "apology" - Don Brash is such a weird racist idiot 🤬 to threaten defamation for being accused of being insincere about being racist 🤷 I guess points for being honest? 🤔

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He's probably just seething because Hooton hit so many right spots about him and he wants to take Hooton down!

As to Poole, it was funny - because last time I wrote an article about charter schools, I did some research and one video I watched was from John Oliver.

And he talks about these scenarios in the US - of charter school operators using taxpayers' money to fund other businesses/organisations they set up - so giving money to themselves.

I thought it wouldn't happen here but in doing my digging today, I was slightly horrified and very very sad at what we are in!

Hooton was refreshing because NZ honestly needs some real honesty - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zHWgSqcYyg

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