Jul 31·edited Aug 1Liked by Mountain Tui

Good analysis as opposed to opinion and slogans and, frankly speaking, bs. No question, just an exhortation; keep observing dispassionately and recording for posterity

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Aug 1Liked by Mountain Tui

Go Mountain Tui!! Best and most heartening commentary I’ve read for many moths now! Are we going to fight for change??

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Jul 31Liked by Mountain Tui

Acts logo pin, shades of gang patches, me thinks.

Corrupt incompetence from ministers is a sham. It's the plan for a sell off working well. It's only dildo who is confused.

Atlas and Co. Can I recommend a book by British author Grace Blakely called Vulture Capitalism, it's a serious work with an extensive bibliography, but an easy read. It describes, with real examples, the conniving for world dominance by corporations, pollies and financiers.

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I sometimes reflect on how for most of my life, I was one of these people who had no idea how much we are influenced and manipulated by corporations, financiers and the like. Thanks for the recommendation, John. Cheers.

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Jul 31Liked by Mountain Tui

Excellent summation Tūī. As an aside I wonder how active the Atlas Network has been in the sanctions etc crippling Venezuela since they nationalised their oil - Years ago Jordan (TPU) Williams publicly argued with me, “Did we want to be like Venezuela?”, maybe in the long term the answer is yes!

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Aug 1Liked by Mountain Tui

Good post which I think everyone should watch. Just to warn you there is some fuckery afoot, excuse the language, on Reddit again from r/newzealand moderators.

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Aug 15Liked by Mountain Tui

“Brainwash your subject well enough and control is easy. Say the right words, paint the right picture, make their minds believe what they so desperately want to believe, and the response is guaranteed.” Steve Berry, The Atlas Maneuver (a very american novel).

It is past time to fight back but there are too many important issues to attack.

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Because most humans are complacent it might be that widespread discontent is the only thing that might do it.

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Aug 15Liked by Mountain Tui

I fear that divide and conquer is working too well for the coalition.

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The missing link I feel is facts/correcting misinformation. And that’s why they always focus on spin and controlling narratives. Who can correct that? I just don’t know

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Aug 2Liked by Mountain Tui

Thanks for the roundup.

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You're welcome KueenM

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