Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

I pass Dunedin’s new hospital buildings most days. The first build for outpatients is being worked on. The other has piles in the ground but not much else happening. The old hospital is falling apart, staff are leaving, vacancies not being filled. One example is in outpatients where the various teams rely on booking clerks to maintain the rotas, make appointments and talk to patients. If one person goes on maternity leave and there is not cover, waiting lists climb, clinics go unused and all Health say is there is a hold on recruitment.

The reality is getting worse. Reti speaks with a forked tongue and he is a Doctor for heavens sake!

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Reti is one of the worst. No integrity whatsoever. Also tried to downplay nicotine's harmful effects. He's a slime ball and I'm surprised NZ didn't see through him sooner.

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Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

More broken promises more lies. This government is determined to increase the gap between the rich and the poor. They are also willing to destroy everything and make sure quality of life is only for them and their mates.

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Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

And let us also not forget that many other policies are being pushed ahead apace without due consideration. Many of these policies (from smoking legislation onwards) will have detrimental impacts on both the capability and capacity of our health system. They will simply make matters far worse. The latest being the proposal from Chris Penk (building minister) to roll back insulation standards (H1) - which or course won’t deliver as healthier homes as we would otherwise get, and less healthier homes means … more sickness.

So if they are thinking they are running like a business then it’s a pretty badly run and sickly business. Succesful business leaders understand the total ecosystem they operate in, they build, understand and apply systems thinking to their operations, ad they also understand partnerships, supply and delivery chains.

They would not be pushing ill-considered policies, programmes and indicatives that simply transfer cost from one part of their business to another. They would look to solve the underlying problem. And they would look to build sustainable outcomes with theirs partners.

That doesn’t quite match the level of business excellence we have sitting in charge at the moment does it…

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After trying to make sense of this for over 7 months I'm now very clear this is not about running anything well. It's about enriching donors, and trickle down economics.

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Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

The utter irony is that while these Tories think they should run NZ like a business, they'd be an abject failure. Because the first rule of business is " look after your customers".

Think of NZ as the passenger liner SS Kiwi. Sure we need a captain with a destination in mind, with the ability to avoid the odd iceberg. We need a helmsman. We need a navigator. We need a radio operator to keep in touch with the world. We need people in the engine room to keep the ship moving in the correct direction.

But, we also need a bunch of people to look after the customers. Sure the passengers on SS Kiwi don't play dominoes, shuffle board or quoits, they milk cows, build houses, make widgets. But, everyone of those passengers in equal measure deserve the the most pleasant voyage possible, for what is literally the trip of a lifetime

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After carefully studying their policies for over 6 months, and trying for a long time to see what they are seeing, I am finally understanding what they are about.

Themselves. As Brooke Van Velden showed earlier in the year, workers, Kiwis etc. are all just fodder - objects which are useful for their donors and benefactors, but not much more, from what it looks like.

It's a really sad and disappointing revelation but I don't think any other theory fits anymore. And I really tried to find one.

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Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

Yep the board of the SS Kiwi which controls the crew are all living off the pigs back. Some of the passengers are doing OK. But, there is an awful lot of passengers having a very dismal voyage. You'll note that there are quite a few abandoning ship

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Jul 20Liked by Mountain Tui

When two of the most senior people in the Ministry of Health and also Te Whatu Ora state “there is no place for GPs of General Practice in our future vision of Primary Care” yet 93% of all face to face consultations are performed in New Zealand in General Practice we have a criminal level of incompetence. The average OECD spend on General Practice is 13-14% of a country’s health budget, NZ has fallen to 3.48%. The Government’s own independent 2022 Sapere Report states GPs are between 34-231% underfunded (the data now 5 years out of date) yet again this year they’re given another compulsory funding and income cut. All the while every health metric gets worse, unless the data is altered (see Ian Powell’s blog). Time for a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

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An excellent comment. Thank you Arthur. When Shane Reti was asked why GPs were not included in the Government's health targets, he said it was "too hard."

The fact that this government keeps going up in the polls is testament to the strength of their PR teams and the fragility of our media. I appreciate your sharing.

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“Managed Demolition” Why can’t other people see this massive, rotting elephant in the room?

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Re the departure of certain characters from Health NZ, check out some of my posts about those ‘revolving doors of power’ in NZ. Reduced funding for ‘public’ healthcare manipulates more public support for ‘modernising’ through more PPPs. Ambitious, unethical individuals line up for these corporate salaries and expense accounts, paid for, ironically, by us, the taxpayers.

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Indeed. And as I study various policies, I find privatisation behind every facet of their policies - from corrections to defence to police to health.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Mountain Tui

We are almost there, 9-12 months until discussions about privatisation of public health starts.

I watched an ABC documentary on Project 2025 this afternoon... I'm not sure what else to add.

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Please read my new one. Water too. I am afraid to watch too much about Project 2025. I do think the architects are all obviously connected through Atlas Network, as they are all Atlas partners, and therefore, they are directly into this Government.

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Jul 18Liked by Mountain Tui

Yesterday night one news did a segment where they reported at least 24,000 doctors and nurses have left New Zealand, well I was told today by someone who works at the Lower Hutt City Council that they had a meeting with the Lower Hutt District Health Board over this issue and it seems they are very worried.

I think it's really time we treated our nurses and doctors better along with giving them the salary they deserve, at least this will help New Zealand

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Agreed. And great to see you, D!

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Jul 18Liked by Mountain Tui

Yesterday night when Tv One said the nurses and doctors are just moving to Australia, I think they are going to other countries as well, in my opinion if the next Government is really committed to stopping the nurses and doctors leaving New Zealand, we really need to give them a better salary, same thing with the Police

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Makes you wonder why Andrew Little decided to reconfigure the entire health systemIn the middle of a pandemic while also deciding to have two parallel systems, one for Māoris and one for Whites? An utter waste of valuable funds wasted on consultants, both Maori and White.

The problems we have now have been around under previous Governments and this one has in turn inherited them from past administrations. To pretend they all sprang up immediately after the last election is laughable.

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Seriously. It's I.00am Tuesday morning. I'm keeping myself awake worrying about the state of NZ. About the purposeful way the current govt is going about dismantling this country. They are clearly not working for us. Mere kiwis. My conspiracy theory is that we are being experimented on by the backers of a convicted felon. That is the right wing think tanks whose only real purpose seems to be more money for the elite. Bluntly they are practicing Project 25 on us to see how a complacent population responds. What they can learn before they do to America whatever it takes to create a vassel state to their unbridled lust for money. Journalism in this country has been pared back to........crikey it's lean to be kind. Tui please tell me I am full of the brown smelly stuff and to go back to sleep.

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It's almost 2am Tuesday morning and I am looking at the Government's latest decision to torpedo what was left of the Health NZ board (all but 2 were left after most resigned and left).

But I will tell you - it's important to go to sleep. I have been reflecting on how a lot of this news, while it's news, can feel down. We need to focus more on the hope and opportunities. Let's brainstorm another time after more sleep :-)

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