Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

He just doesn't get it. Like the entitled to entitlements response, Luxon seems incapable of holistic or systems thinking. I don't know if it's actually a 'thing', but his thought processes just seem so linear. One step after another, and the further you get from the original thought, that original thought no longer exists and any enquiry regarding that is met with incomprehension. He is fixated on the coalition agreement, which is his physical starting point. He needs to refer to it endlessly, but is incapable of understanding the implications or consequences of it, nor an awareness of how his justifications for sticking to his peculiar linear 'principle' could equally apply to the opposite. I find it really disconcerting but it explains how Seymour and Peters got exactly what they wanted. He just didn't get it.

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Author

He seems very .... linear yes. But also very self-serving in his comments.

For example:

Any time Māori try to protest what he and his government are doing, he tries to lecture them e.g. 88% of your Y8 kids can't read he tries to divert to (never mind that's completely wrong) -as he and his Cabinet gaslight Kiwis and Māori

"Try to be respectful!" they intone - as they take away Māori rights and attack their dignity.

Just the fact that they think it's OK to strip away Māori rights without any genuine consultation with the original contract parties... is... what word, it'd be hard to find one that could articulate it strongly enough.

And they always want to lecture Māori to be "respectful" and speak "politely" even if disagreeing - while framing themselves with positive words and inferring they are the "mature" ones.

It's gaslighting - I don't know any other word for it. And it's not OK.

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Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

Oh yeh, the starting point of his world view is completely off the charts in shitsville, but he will never be swayed from his line of thought through discussion or reason because once he has a position, that's it - his "laser focus". He's made it clear he doesn't care about other, better options. He believes he's being strong, but it's a weakness. Seymour is the absolute master of gaslighting, I'm not sure Luxon has sufficient self-awareness to be so deliberate. Patronising and condescending from a self-appointed superiority is more the theme for Luxon. The coalition combination really is the three-headed hydra of nightmares - they have all personality and policy deficiencies covered.

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Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

Fundamental thinking, isn't it...

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Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

I have a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach that the purpose of the Treaty Principles Bill is to divert attention away from the Fast Track Bill, and quite frankly our failing public service (police, hospitals, and schools).

And it is working.

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Annie! It's a multi-pronged strategy for sure and yes, the Indigenous rights are a huge sore point for their ability to open up NZ to unimpeded "development" i.e. corporate foreign interests.

Also ❤️ and thank you 😊 Miss you guys heaps.

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Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

His beginning nearly every response with a "Well, what I'd say to you is..." or "Well, I'll just say to you...", or similar, is incredibly patronising. I thought it was just a verbal filler, crutch, but suspect indicates something much deeper in his thinking.

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Also if you listen to the Coalition, they often echo similar language amongst each other - "Judge us in three years [we are going to do what we want]" "Stay respectful [listen to our words, not watch our actions]" "We've traversed this issue already [shut up already]" "It may well be" [placeholder for no-action] etc.

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Sep 11Liked by Mountain Tui

🙋🏽‍♀️I would compliment you on your brilliant alternative scenario with the current policies but Seymour et al in Opposition, except ... it is EXACTLY what they did (with arguably better policies being the object of their outrage at that time). And they seem to treat it as a GAME or table top exercise with no real world consequences. And now we have the first reported death from a hospital having insufficient staff to attend to her in time, hundreds losing their jobs from overpriced electricity, supermarket duopoly continuing to rip us all off daily, and all that empty waffle from when they were in opposition about how they would "fix things" & make life better is proven to be just that - empty waffle.

Some of the increased costs you list do NOT affect me personally (I WISH I could be looking to buy an electric vehicle!) but yes Rates are up, House Ins is up, Contents ins is up, Vehicle ins is up etc. etc. and that is better than someone renting whose rent is up even more in relative terms.

As for the Health system - there will be people who die early, or in more pain & distress than needed, or live with unnecessary pain & distress from delayed treatment, that we will never hear about unless we know them personally. 😢 And all while money is being wasted on Seymour's vanity racist project that Luxon is too weak to put an end to, despite being warned of the harm it will do to Aotearoa race relations, and his bald-faced acceptance that it is money down the drain as it will not proceed to a 2nd reading - the absolute definition of wasteful govt spending of OUR tax monies while lecturing Local Body officers about wasteful spending 🤬

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This is 100% it on every point, Cindy.

Also the Dargaville case I wrote about below was a case of a patient who went to Dargaville hospital. There were no doctors. The staff there contacted another for support, which took a while.

The patient subsequently died from a cardiac arrest, I believe.

We can take the official statement and say it had nothing to do with no doctors, but is it true?

"The human impact of Coalition games" is exactly how I see every single little power play they make, every marketing slogan they insert, every piece of wool they continually try to throw over our eyes.

Thanks for such a clear, brilliant articulation, Cindy.


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