Fast fricking our world - all for a short term sugar boost to corporate balance sheets (and follow up payments to Ministers when they get fired)

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An accurate summary Keith.

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55 mins agoLiked by Mountain Tui

🤬🤬🤬 And then I clicked onto the video at the end - knew the song but never watched the video 😁 So fun 😎😻

Still 🤬🤬🤬 'cos we can' t take our eyes off the prize (being restoring sensible, essential policies & services & funding them adequately) but we still need to take care of our own mental health so we are active & ready to fight for what we believe in, and against these 🤬🤬🤬.

😥I watched what was happening in the US with Republicans turning from the "law & order" party into deliberate ignoring of centuries of "norms" and "precedent" through to outright flouting of laws, and thought "Won't happen in Aotearoa - one of the lowest corruption countries in the world", and then the 3-headed-Taniwha slithered into power, with either the weakest or the most dishonest PM (or both?) ignoring, justifying, or outright SUPPORTING govt Ministers to defy rules, hide evidence, openly lie to our faces, and act as puppets of big money lobbyists and/or their mates. 🤬🤬🤬

🧐So what CAN we do? 1) 👍Thanks MT for continuing to give us the facts & the ammunition to do our own bit of raising concerns with evidence to back it up - ignoring it won't make it stop (& other journalists & writers as well) . 2)🙋 I have postponed a brief holiday next week to attend the protest gathering (are they marching?) locally - there will be time for that the following week 3) 🙋I am about to cancel my Washington Post sub & switch it to Forest & Bird NZ - priorities right? 4) 🙋Sign all the petitions to Parliament that align with my concerns 5) 🤷start exploring local action groups, although I hate "joining" things these days as I always end up writing the newsletter, or being Secretary and/or Treasurer, or developing training, (or ALL of them at once!) or or... you get the picture! 😱 Somehow hoped retirement would be about gardening, reading, walking, camping etc.🌞🌊 We'll see 🤔

I was part of a recent discussion on another forum recently where we talked about the efficacy of "doing SOMETHING" when things seem overwhelming, and it does help to do the little things when you personally don't have the means or the power to change the root of the problem... So "don't worry - be happy, then go out & kick a$$"??? 😁🫂

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Hey Cindy, I think there are some protests next week but the union one is 23 March. Did you postpone for that? Wow! Talk about leading with action.

Yes Forest and Bird is a great organisation and I admire their work and advocacy.

Re: 5. I know what you mean. I started discussing the protests last week for health privatisation and a lot of people wanted to join, but not many were interested in the work. ALTHOUGH that is changing and there is a small channel of people who are actively talking about operationalising things - not my forte so I am grateful. That said, do take care and ensure you do things you love and enjoy too!

Which brings me to agree with your last point. It's like a yin and yang thing - a little peace, a little action, a lot of peace, and act. It keeps folks like us grounded so thanks for sharing your wisdom, presence, and energy as always.


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25 mins agoLiked by Mountain Tui

Thank you for the continuing stream of information. I do wish more kiwis would support the NGOs like Forest&Bird to help counter the $millions that big business is giving to the truth manipulaters at private ‘news’ companies and on social media pages. Business money is what is driving division in Aotearoa!

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It really is the difference between public interest news and vested interest manipulation at this point.

F&B do fantastic work and I admire their work too, Bill.

Thank you for your comments as ever.


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