I thoroughly enjoy your writing. What’s interesting is that six months ago I only followed regular media and G News on Facebook (found him during Covid times). What I have noticed over the last few years is that there is an absolute dearth of good investigative journalism in our country and it’s getting worse. I was getting sick of puff pieces when I really wanted to know more about the nitty gritty of what is happening in our country. It is sheer frustration that important stories are given slim coverage (or none at all) and then disappear. Through G News, I found links to Substack articles. I now subscribe to four people on Substack.

I say keep doing what you’re doing. The only question I have is, who are you? It may be that your earlier readers already know this, or that you prefer anonymity. I’m okay with that. I enjoy world news, so I always like reading connections between what is happening here and overseas. The right wing playbook is certainly in overdrive at the moment. We can only surmise what life could have been without Covid.

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Your last sentence can be answered in an essay - or in a short form. It was a perfect opportunity for the right and they leveraged it with full effect. Division, disinformation, paranoia - none of those things mattered as long as it was a way for them to secure power.

The force of those resources cannot be understated - and it's a very different world indeed, although I'd hoped that Kiwis would have more empathy and understanding than sometimes I have seen when it comes to looking back at Covid with hindsight.

About who I am, I once wrote a post called "Anonymity and Appreication" :-)

Many thanks for the kind feedback and being the first to comment. I also received a few by email and grateful to you all - as a thinker, it helps me dissect and digest - so thank you for heeding the call and being part of this smallish but vibrant community, Celeste!

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I truly appreciate your work and wish there was a way of publicly funding it, it is sad that you (and others doing good stuff) have to worry about keeping the wolves from the door. I can think of nothing that will improve your efforts and will support any funding decisions you make. PS Crampton is a nasty piece of work and his arrogance when responding to an intellectual heavyweight like Dame Anne is embarrassing

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Keith, you've always been amazing from Day 1 - and I usually look out for your comments and input. I remember you telling me about Crampton a long time ago. I think it was good practice of Dame Salmond to publicly speak on the letter she received. A good practice indeed. Thank you!

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I really enjoy your commentary and reporting. I personally think that the work that you do is great as it is. Where I see the place for change is the distribution of your content, ie integrating onto multiple social media platforms and getting the reporting and news coverage that you already do out to more people to see.

I'd be happy to help in any way I can or discuss more ideas.

Keep up the awesome work

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Cheers Henry. I will reach out to you on this. Thank you so much.

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OMG I can comment! 🤩

As an unwaged reader, I can only read a small amount of your posts and interact with none of them. I simply can't afford to.

My concern has long been that, with MSM moving rapidly towards paywalls and now increasing numbers of commentators like yourself and other Substackers, it's creating a two-tiered system: those who can afford to be informed and those who cannot.

I don't know what the answer is; we all need some sort of income to live. But for the first time in my life, I have no income from employment and will likely not have again. How do people like me (and 10,000+ sacked public servants, etc) stay informed and keep our voices part of your conversations?

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I believe a large portion of my posts are un-paywalled and certainly nearly all of them over the last month or two.

That said, I usually do keep comments to paid subscribers.

I hear you though and support constructive voices to the fore - as well as those who wish to participate. Stay tuned - I'll think of something soon.

Thanks so much for your contributions and thoughts today - I'm a thinker so it helps me hear and assimilate advice and inputs.

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This is such an excellent question, I too was pleased I could comment LOL.

Any of us, and especially the people with limited incomes..........there must be a limit to how much you can subscribe to, without even thinking of processing it all and any kind of flow on difference made or response.

I like the point about a two tiered system evolving. I get the situation for some and keeping the wolf from the door, but I get a little weary of the asking for help to keep writing alive from many on here. And you get involved reading something, go to comment and oppps nah ya can't. while I get it, it pisses me right off.

I love what MT does, I restack those I support and get the word out as much as I can, and comment in my restacks.

But to be honest, some parts of being here is like the abyss I left the edge of when I exiled myself from social media and came here. A lot more interaction, but I wonder if it will slide towards a platform where thems that need to know stuff will be lookn somewhere else...........how do you interface with and where is that .........that place where change and illumination might happen. Building up the knowledge base of your community and contacts is all well and good....................but after a while its all energy like shouting in the wind.

So I am exploring for me analogue ways of saying my shizzle and here digitally supporting the tribe who speaks for and with me in any way poss. It can't always be subscription........maybe shout a coffee now and then.................but my heart is full of warmth for the voices like MT, Nick, Hickey, Bryce, Sapphi, Cristina, Ryan, Farrier, Paul, Dr Bex and others I tautoko.................and I do everything I can..............I appreciate MT because there is 2 way traffic. That means a lot to me, some of the heavy hitters never relate...........when we all have things of value to add to the conversation....

MT is one of the up there ones for me............and with subscription coming due.....I will have to decide what my pension can extend to.

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What you say is so valuable and for I one like to hear it. Please let me figure it out too - thank you for sharing the journey here. And your contributions have been welcome throughout.

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thank you.

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I like your long-form pieces. I’ve suggested to The Spinoff to ‘gather’ big voices such as yours, Nick’s Korero, The Kaka, a written version of BHN etc under one umbrella so that the public can pay ONE little subscription or for Free. I watch a lot of YouTube for free and don’t mind the ads, so I think an ad version is fine through a HUB umbrella or something else, the important thing is security for the contributor which could be done. I think a lot of people would subscribe to a HUB so they could get all their news in one place. The Herald is bunk bro.

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Thank you - I sometimes worry about my own verbosity so glad it's helpful to you and you like it!

It's a great suggestion and I'd be happy to be a part of it. Agree on the Herald.

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Totally agree to this!

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Tautoko 👍💯 In fact I've been banging on about this for ages & gave feedback to The Spinoff when they asked for ideas along the lines of maybe partnering with those you suggest for one free article a month to help with The Spinoff getting good quality articles while they are facing $$ issues to pay people while the writers will get paid subs when people discover them & their excellent work 👏💪

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Re Chris Bishop, it's worth remembering who his father was: John Bishop, former political journo at RNZ & TVNZ (1976-1987), inaugural chairman of the Taxpayers "Union".

The Atlas and tobacco lobbying interconnections run deep ...

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Yes. John Bishop - who helped set up TPU, a group that accepts tobacco money and Atlas Network funding - but which Chris Bishop said was a 'conspiracy'.

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I think your work is excellent Tūī. I can’t think of anything I’d like to see you do differently. I’m grateful that important independent voices like yours are growing, particularly as we see an increasing number of traditional democracies, including ours, lose investigative/critical journalism in the slide towards plutocracy/oligarchy/corporate authoritarianism via planet wrecking neoliberal policies. I’ll keep supporting as much as I can, as you bring such an important message that needs to be heard by all NZers.

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All good Dan and I will also try to make it more affordable as I never want to extend anything on my behalf. Still the words mean a lot. I really mourn journalism as I would expect it.

Even David Seymour's comments about the so called "too expensive" healthcare costs are unanalysed by nearly all - and there are so many people out there who will excuse this goverment's actions because, apparently, we have no money and Labour spent it all.

Economic knowledge is sorely lacking but in theory, that would be fine - if we had journalists to provide context and knowledge.

But the weakening of the media is by design and no-one can dispute that our world is presently run by those with the most financial backing.

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Couldn’t agree more!

By the way, I’m currently able and happy to pay your current rates, but would understand if you had separate tiered rates for people less able or struggling to pay. Aotearoa is lucky to have you Tūī, and the more kiwis that can access your important articles the better!

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Many thanks 🙏

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Good day Mountain Tui -

I am most impressed by the quality of your writing and analysis, and the research that goes into it. I would also really like to know who you are - where are you based, what is your background, what other writing you have done, is Mountain Tui your real name? If you'd like to reply privately, I can give you my contact details.

I also have ideas for stories (and satirical angles) you might like to pursue, so would like to stay in touch.

FYI, I am an experienced writer in New Zealand across many genres - from newspaper columns, to feature articles, to poetry, novels, short stories and non-fiction books. See


Anyway - Keep up the good work!

Alex Stone

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Thanks Alex, that's so cool! I remember notes from you a while ago and have thought about you since then. I'll definitely look up your website and your writings! Thank you.

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MT your content is about the best out there but you are certainly not the only one struggling to make it pay. In general there needs to be a level of paying subscribers attained to transform it to a self sustaining production. Have you been able to discuss these issues with other Substack writers? They should have the most relevant ideas.

I don’t believe that people appreciate what they get for nothing.

Name and shame the plagiarising writer. Hope it isn’t a paid subscriber? Definitely a reason not to make everything free to quickly.

You are caught in the throes of an industry reinventing itself. Fortunately Main stream media has forgotten about quality and integrity and seems intent on disappearing which will help genuine journalism but Substack will go through growing pains yet. Good luck.

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Thanks Rob - always happy to see your comments and I value the time and input. (And understanding!) Cheers.

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Discovering you about 7 months ago, I was truly delighted: not just because of the info and the investigative work, but because I really liked the way your mind works. I’m not just getting a catch-up or, more importantly, the deep dives of fact finding that you do. I’m also valuing the reflection of someone else’s journey - who's also being driven crazy by the trends, and navigating their own compass around how both to remain sane, and live the values we all stand for. I love the fact that at times, you’re willing to share this personal zone, because few other prominent writers do.

It may take years to build up any kind of ‘living’ through subscriber income, though you certainly deserve one, and I’d guess that your base is growing. It could be good to have a lower annual sub for those living exclusively on benefit? It’s amazing how much more manageable $60 looks on superann than $100, even though it’s peanuts.

I don’t give a toss about your ‘real’ identity, nor those of Molière, Voltaire or Dr Seuss. Mountain Tui has an established persona as Mountain Tui, and that should maintain. Knowing that you’re really Gladys Peabody of Upper Hutt, or even King Charles II, is really of no interest.

I’d love to know if you’re a guy or a gal (or . . .), but I can manage 🙂.

Oh yes, the overwork! For any of us who responds seriously to what’s happening, the summer sun passes oft above our rooftops unseen, and I can only imagine your long hours. Your videos are wonderful, a privilege; yes they must eat your days; I see your drive to really offer the best you can by creating these. I guess if there was a suggestion, it might be to not sweat the petty things (or pet the sweaty things, as they say).

And if there’s ever a choice between simply ‘informing’ us of snippets of info (with a comment ‘Aren’t they awful’) - - and writing weekly after you’ve sat out on the deck with a beer and suddenly thought, ‘OMG, I’ve just seen the key to the whole damn thing’, then I would want you to do the latter. You have a wonderful mind: you’re more than just a “chronicler” like Hickey etc. You have that thing called insight.

The only final thing would be to ask you to consider (over a beer or two) what I can’t nut out right now. I’m concerned that each time we say, ‘Aren’t they awful’ (which I do too often), we’re parrotting a classic statement of the disempowered. The other day, a reader asked Anne Salmond, effectively, ‘would you lead a revolution?’ I understand why.

In 2025, as dictatorships proliferate, we know in fact that it is from society itself that the great turnaround must arise. And I know that you wonder, too, how (beyond violent insurgency!) this can take shape, and that many others here feel the same. None of us knows right now how the great conversation might arise to make this so. Maybe it will arise organically – we will simply come to it – though I disagree with Dave here that it’s a matter of inviting everyone to a great mind dump.

I truly think there is a strategy required.

Last year, someone I was with asked both ChatGPT4 and Gemini to “expand on a strategy to challenge the ACT party in New Zealand and their right wing political agenda’. The responses were very interesting. I think there is structured work to be done and some folks who will provide the bones in the diagram, as it were. And I believe that you may well be one.

Meanwhile, my deep thanks for the mahi, Tui, it is deeply valued.


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Susie, I felt this comment and laughed and smiled at the Dr Seuss / King C II commentary.

But more than that, I believe I understand what you are telling me. And without sounding like a big sop, I always feel...heartened by seeing and also being seen. I don't want to say too much in case I move deeper into sop territory but suffice to say - each of your comments is deeply valued and I will take them them on board with the kindness and intent I feel from it.


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What you said Susie!

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What she said!! 👍💯🫂

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Serious, in depth analysis is what's missing from traditional media, and I really appreciate the work you obviously put into your writing, MT.

I have (paid) subscriptions to a few substacks because without support I believe we will have nothing but sycophants and reality TV, USA style.

Some good comments above from others, such as hunting out solutions and alternatives. Thanks again, keep it up.

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A sincere thanks from me, Alan, thank you for taking the time to comment and encourage.

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I am another grateful recipient of your work. I suspect you might be in a position where you have a window into events that may become restricted should you identify yourself. Please don’t jeopardise that. These are times that seem on the fringe of being described as sinister as we witness the disappearance from MSM of some of the more searching and clever analysts.

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Yes, I hear you, drfang. Thank you for that, I appreciate it very much.

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I appreciate the critiques of current government actions, but would like to see what alternative scenarios would look like. I'm a firm believer in 'don't bring me problems, bring me solutions'. Perhaps you could invite correspondents to suggest better ways of doing things by tapping into their views and then debating those views which have merit in your blog. We are getting close to the mid-term of the election cycle and there is a need for a clearer vision of what is possible, and to disseminate those views more widely. Perhaps one of your blogs for the week could be topic based to encourage contributions. Keep up the good work.


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I remember that phrase well, Dave, and it's a valuable one...one I've said myself in the past.

Often, I find the material infuriating because we've well and truly passed the "Is this real?" and my own "Could they just be incompetent, but misguided?" stage.

And being a novice to it all, my own journey of incredulousness at what I see and witness has been real - like so many of you, I imagine- i.e. even for folks who are seasoned social and political observers, this may have been bumpier than usual.

When I first read your comment this morning, my first thought was "This one is more complex" - because I suspect many of us feel and see there's something systemic at work here...in terms of where the problems are...

It doesn't mean there won't or can't be paradigms we need to re-examine - but there is a movement like consciousness to all of this - many, many moving parts and indeed very different worlds and perspectives all colliding at once into a complex political system.

For clarity - I will frequently read voices and voters on spectrums I disagree with - and it's really like two different worlds.

Therefore, solutions are no longer like the 'old days' of policy debate only - i.e solutions can be proposed, but there has to be a reckoning with our social and educational context - and the huge discrepancies in perception that are out there too.

Anyway I'm a thinker, so let me take this on board, and chew on it a little more

Thank you for the encouragement, and constructive suggestions Dave.


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Excellent work thanks MT😊 ..I have stopped listening to or reading much of the MSM in NZ ..and moved to a number of Substack writers. I agree with Shelley above ..

Get the Spinoff ( which I also support ) to collect a like minded and balanced group of writers and get some support for your work thru that type of MSM .

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Thank you Eleanor!

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Would you consider a ‘Pensioner’s’ rate? I belong to another Subtrack which often I see similarities between you both. However I do enjoy your Korero.

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I absolutely would, Gloria! Thank you for the suggestion - I will revert with more on this soon.

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Agree that this would help if there was a "fixed income" rate as Nick's Korero does - it might mean a few more can afford to pay 👍

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Yes I hear you Cindy - great point and thank you!

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Whatever you decide please don't stop. I'm not in a position to pay and there are, frankly, too many choices to want to pay for, so my choice is to read what I can access. An overarching "all of substack" subscription model is well overdue ie $10 a month for x amount of articles or similar. Thank you for what you do.

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