3 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

πŸ‘πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ Bravo! No notes 😻

Incidentally I too am gobsmacked by the Chris Trotter rhetoric - I vaguely remember him from years ago & expected a much different attitude, but there you go - never "assume" because it makes an ass-out-of-u-&-me. The "equality" v "equity" question needs to be at the forefront πŸ’―. Brilliantly argued πŸ‘ thank you πŸ™

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Not worth subscribing that’s for certain.

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Excellent writing MT. The media love to appear balanced, so it is handy to be able to roll out a β€˜left wing commentator’, but they have a stock of ex-lefties who at some stage became bitter (perhaps not getting the recognition they (thought they) deserved.) Chris Trotter is probably the most extreme example but there others like Josie Pagani and even Peter (who?) Dunne - all willing to put the boot into anything leftish. There could be a great thesis for a psychology student wanting to explain what happens, and why some succumb and some don’t…

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Peter Dunne the self proclaimed voice of reason, remember that? - lmao!

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2 hrs agoLiked by Mountain Tui

This is one of your best yet MT! Thank you. I read this just after having a discussion with someone about Seymours supposed quest for equality via the TPB. I said yes but he'd have us all wearing the same size gumboots regardless of fit (and how well we could manoeuvre in them) not to mention someone with a disability might need a more expensive custom made pair. He'd cry privelage then. As for Chris Trotter, he started losing the plot some time back maybe 6 years ago or so. I wondered if it was some type of dementia setting in. I also wonder if he still meets with all the old socialists like Matt McCarten etc for Friday drinkies at Galbraiths (if it survived Covid) in Auckland. Oh to be a fly on the wall.

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I suspect Trotter is one of those boomers who while voting left like an automaton is uncomfortable with the reality of colonialism which has cossetted him and Labour Party ilk.

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He seems to be an outlier, but I note in comments is calling people opposed to the TPB β€œfascists” and β€œbaddies”.

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