Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

MT, thank you for this post. Until I came across your work, I could only verbally moan to my friends and bitch to myself about how ridiculous the political environment was.

To literally have "my" thoughts articulated in such a clear, concise, easy to read, way through your posts gave me a boost - that I wasn't alone in thinking WTAF has happened to our country.

I appreciate the work you put in, the research you do that benefits those of us who can't write like you do or put our thoughts across easily or simply, too engrossed in our own day to day lives to put our hand up and "speak" our truth. I respect your choice to stay anonymous - your work speaks for itself.

The only thing I'd say is I wish there were more people like you in this world. Mauri ora!

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Thank you all, you are all too kind and I'm deeply grateful. It took me a little to digest it all so thank you.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Absolutely ditto to this! Thank you Moutain Tui.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

👍💯 Perfectly put!

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Aug 28·edited Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Plenty of nutters in NZ, they don’t have to read your posts. There is no compunction to attach a real life profile to your writing but there is risk of receiving unwarranted attention from the unhinged if you do.

Keep up the good work

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Thank you Rob 🙏

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Just stay as you are Tui. It's not who you are, it's what you say that matters.

Glad your working on the length of posts, maybe one subject, one post. I suggest this as I forward a lot of your work to some Tory mates, if it's too long or convoluted their pea brains will cause their eyes to glaze over.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

For those purposes - cut & paste the relevant segment & include the link to the full post? It is important to a) share the info & b) show the receipts if they care to check. That is what I like here - RECEIPTS as well as the odd rant 😜

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ditto love a good source doc!

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Yes I will try John - one of my weaknesses is too much data overflowing in my own little brain so it sometimes comes out in streams. I am looking to improve and always appreciate your presence and for making me laugh so often (as you did with this one, admittedly)

John 🙏

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Mountain Tui, I must confess to initially wondering who you were simply because I had found such a like minded soul who could express everything and more of my feels, and at times distress, at the current coalition. Such relatable writng backed with facts and wider context. I appreciate your contributions on Substack immensely and also pass on regularly to others.

As previously said, you are Mountain Tui, and very much appreciated as you are.


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Arohanui Lyn Stark - your presence is much appreciated 💛

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

You are Mountain Tui

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Your friendship 💛 Thank you as always.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

I would like to know who you are only because you are so articulate,intelligent and interesting. It doesn’t matter though!! Keep up the good work. I will subscribe but account details are in another room👏🙏🏻

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🥰 Thank you Jane, maybe one day we will all have a party and meet each other 🥳

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

You don't owe anyone your personal details, including your name. It was rude of them to say that to you.

I'm not sure I'd necessarily trust that they have good intentions either. You got a bit of harassment on reddit for your work, and it would be horrible to have that spill over into real-life.

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Yes, Reddit was my first experience of it, but I have to say I usually meet the world with sincerity so at first I couldn't understand why they were maligning me. Thanks for your kind comments Rachael.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Illegitimi non carborundum.

Sure it’s only mock-Latin, but that’s all I got this early in the morning. And frankly, IMO their comment doesn’t warrant more.

You get to choose how you present yourself to the world, Tui. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.

I appreciate ya.

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I smiled at the mock Latin too, thank you for that Mel, and your presence. I hope you are doing well and have a wonderful weekend ahead



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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Nga mihi Mountain Tūī, I appreciate the detail you bring and the efforts to join dots. As i systematically cancelled MSM I felt very much like the Simpson koroua shouting at clouds, but you and others keep me on the sane side of the line. The money I saved by not getting The Post (that went after the attacks on Kiri Allen) lets me subscribe to NickR (humour), BernardH (clear thinking and massive research), BryanB (old school professionalism), and you. I also appreciate GerardO who should be on Substack - I love the anger he brings to the conversation, in a funny and civilised way. Anonymity is fine by me.

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Thank you Keith - I always look out for your comments and appreciate you!


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Well anonymity is important to me because most, if not all of those around me, would prefer I go with the turpid flow, which I cannot because it reeks of sewage with the slime uppermost.

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Wait your real name is not Winston? 😉 😁

Cheers for the company Winston - I appreciate it.

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Te tangi te titi, te tangi te kaka, te tangi hoki ahau - te tangi Mountain Tui! Kia Kaha!

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Ngā mihi nui ki a koe 💛 Peter

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Surely it's what you stand for that's important, rather than who you are. Aren't there written somewhere words to the effect that "...by your actions you shall be known"....it's certainly more important to me to have your strongly passionate thoughts and ideas and comments regarding what is happening for all of us in this country as a kind of reassurance that somebody who feels the same way as I do about this can articulate those happenings so pertinently! I'm grateful to you for doing what you do, and "Mountain Tui" is a well-nigh-perfect piece of nomenclature for someone with such a view of things as they are! Te tangi te

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❤️ Means a lot, thank you as ever Peter.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

While people are entitled to believe that your full name and details must be provided in order for your view to be valid, you are equally-entitled to think otherwise. We are meant to primarily evaluate the argument rather than the speaker. Knowing your real name has no impact on the effort or quality of your articles or comments. Follow your heart and keep doing what you believe is right. I continue to appreciate your perspective.

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Hubris2, I was so happy to see you write here and it took me a bit to digest it all, being the person I am. As always, I am just grateful, and again so happy to see you - thank you for taking the time to share this message - it helped me.

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Keep up the good work! The subversive nature always makes me think you have more skin in the game than you are letting on (which is fine) That said I follow the threads that you are pulling in as well and I appreciate you shining a light on areas that I have not even considered or connected!

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Aug 30·edited Aug 30Author

Cheers Dave, I guess that's probably going to be one of the more ironic things - I don't have more skin in the game, and until November/December of last year, told people I thought "David Seymour seems fine, doesn't he?" because my interest in politics was virtually zero, but I'd see him on AM once in a while...(embarrassing, I know)

I always enjoy your comments anytime you make them and I am thrilled there are people like you here. Thank you.

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Aug 28Liked by Mountain Tui

Oh my! I read the exchange, and as much as I love being able to get things out of my head in response to the yards of hard graft you have done, I don't see it as a collaboration. Conversation from others can add new perspectives, but if they want to "write on here", ummm, maybe start your own? Like you say, the right have a shit-tonne of resources, and we know one of their specialties is going after people. Your identity is yours to own, no one has any rights to it.

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Lynette - one of my favourite straight shooters. Sometimes, after an article, I think "Hey, Lynette just summarised it in a paragraph and made me laugh in the process" 🧡 Thank you and much affection, Tui.

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There are myriad reasons people - and especially women - choose anonymity online. This is something I've taken male commenters on social media to task over, due to their privilege clouding their ability to walk in another's shoes. Why women should enjoy less safety online, why we have to self-censor, why we feel we should be polite and moderate, is a complete mystery to most of them.

It's tedious work having to constantly point this out.

Ngā mihi maioha, e hoa 💔

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I recall stories from The Standard, a website I have recently discovered, where even the men have been attacked but yes, women in general receive much more vigorous hate and it's a real pity and not the right thing. I for one will fight it with you.

Much love.

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