🤔Is there an award for hypocrisy in govt? Surely Luxon's outrageous lecturing of local govt people to "rein in the fantasies" sticking to the "need to haves" and living within their means and "a limit on so-called non-core" activities is the definition of wasting money on a referendum only his racist mates want, would be right up there in contention 😱

Absolutely having Maori representation has been beneficial with both widening shared understandings, and educating non-Maori about particularly environment impacts on the health & well-being of not only the rivers, but those who rely on them for traditional food & resource gathering. * Many a whanau is healthier & better fed by having access to traditional food sources - isn't that what NACT1st (or my new favourite, the Coalition of Cockwombles (CoC)) want of people? More self reliance? 🤷 (*BTW - not theoretical but real-life observation & results based in my case)

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Wouldn't it be a glorious thing, if those councils collectively gave slimy brown the middle finger. Well done them.

Sure the govt could withhold funds to them, but I'd suggest that the populaces' anger would stop that happening.

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The problem with the “localism” push of this government is it’s actually not about devolved individual community decision making.

Instead it’s political framing being used to argue for reduction in the size and scope of central government. This reduction is in favour of enabling multinational capital and corporates (MNC&C’s) to have more unfettered room to act in their own interests.

It’s important to remember that that these MNC&C’s are not “business” as kiwi’s understand business in our environment of locally owned SME’s. In this environment the MNC&C’s want unfettered room to profit from individuals, the local communities and local business. (Think how banks operate and profit)

Framing the reduction in terms of more localisation is incredibly disingenuous. It positions the acts and policies as enabling more individual and local control. In reality they achieve the exact opposite: furthering an attempt at assymetrical concentration of power into the hands of MNC&C’s to our local detriment.

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Well said Geoff!

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It could be the start of ‘the resistance’. Of course 1News on Thursday had a story on two patched gang members JOINING the haka to celebrate HBRC decision to keep wards rather than the wholesale rejection of this exercise in central racism - not objective news but National propaganda machine… Same today with NZME but they don’t pretend to be a state broadcaster

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Yes indeed Keith!

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Next to be thrown out, seymours racist treaty BS

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That proposal is likely to stick around longer (they are planning to run a six month select committee process for maximum exposure and damage presumably in an extraordinary move for this government) but hopefully it won’t do too much lasting damage and will eventually be gone.

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Just where does the bully boys’ definition of local begin and end? It seems to me there’s more than racism in the devious policies currently in abundance.

Surely it’s past time to consider how much “profit”, i.e. community money, flows overseas from banks, supermarkets, hardware stores and other businesses?

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Back in June this year Joel McManus wrote about the Luxon two faced view on local government including this bit: “Central government shouldn’t be running roughshod over local communities,” Luxon said in 2021. Now that he is prime minister, he can finally put a stop to all that roughshodding. There is one slight problem. Local communities keep having the wrong opinions.

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Loving the middle finger salute to a ridiculous, blatantly racist govt directive.

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