👍💯👏Right on as usual (& thanks for watching so I don't have to 😉) I was at a whanau gathering yesterday & raised the question of attending the Hikoi event locally - some didn't know there was one planned, but may have recruited someone to go with me 💪 Regardless, barring incidents & accidents I will be going on behalf of my older, middle & younger whanau who will be directly affected by the racist policies of the 3-headed-Taniwha, even if I won't be as far as I can tell (apart from during COVID I benefitted from Maori Health initiatives to keep me & mine safe, so going forward is definitely one of the biggest concerns 😱)

As for the compensation for past and continuing policies that cause harm to young vulnerable people - rigid & uneducated adherence to economic policy that has failed many times & in many places is the ONLY "complexity" (apart from the obvious incompetence of those who should be sorting it out 🤷)

As usual, Luxon never fails to disappoint... 🤬

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I don't deny it's hard work watching this man :-)

Go Cindy and go with thanks! 💛

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Spot on - and I am deeply concerned at the demolition of our democratic guardrails and whether we have enough left to stop Luxon going full Trump - aue

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I have to say that it's not looking that great - but they will try to keep up appearances as long as that's what NZ needs. i.e. Trump didn't act as he is doing overnight - he kept testing the waters, and as they realised he could get away with more and more, he became bolder and bolder. And so did his backers.

At the moment, I have real concerns about how their policies will harm many people and cause a lot of pain and financial distress to NZ over the medium to long term.

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Great round up MT. Re Smale ban - talk about own goal! Seriously, how could someone in the PM or Speaker's Office for that matter - NOT see this as a flag for an absurd decision?

Re Second Reading of Tiriti Principles Bill - Luxon being shown to be the lap Dog to the wagging tail. A 6-month process when so many other bills hot next to nothing shows Nationals weakness as the so-called senior coalition partner. To be frank, I think David Seymour's the de facto PM. And that's flippen scary.

Re Apology and Compensation. Apology hollow given current govt policies. Compensation is a given. No complexity. The State fkd up. The state can pay.

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The apology is really hollow and having watched Luxon at both press conferences, and having seen his policies and actions since, it feels even more sad - especially as the know policies such as boot camps, and criminalising more youths subjects people to the same risks and potential experiences.

Everything this government does is to make it easy for themselves, and I note that they claimed the redress was very very complex, but they can repeal every Labour law in record time - and of course bypassing public consultation.

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So, compensation is complex !? It's only complex if you have a pea brain, a dried one at that.

The only complexity could be if your trying to figure out how to pay diddlyshit

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They're full of excuses - every single time. No matter which way they want to go Luxon will weave and dive to present it as serious, sincere and principled.

I admit I've kind of had it with him.

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Be thankful they weren't in power when had to deal with a pandemic.

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Eternally grateful that we went through Covid with Jacinda

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Just been listening to the ‘apology’ in Parliament. Perhaps the most sincere part was the pathetic plaint from the speaker (when someone in the gallery dramatically interjected) “Where are the police, and why aren’t they here?”

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Astute observation.

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Muldoon's pension "costs the nation billions" - every year since 1973

The landlord capital benefit for landlords like himself is brazen pork barrel politicking

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We should have that on a billboard somewhere - too bad only the right is bankrolled by billionaires.

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