In a nutshell it is becoming plain that allowing public health to wither by malign neglect... Denying resources firing staff, letting buildings rot, it makes the sale of our hospitals (think of the land-bank real estate value) to USA health insurance giant AIG ltd a simple strategy. The deal to be sweetened by including ACC in the deal for, say $10 billion. (ACC currently has investments in excess of $40 billion).
Acshully quite a big nut and heaven help those who cannot afford private health insurance
I find it appalling that Reti et al again devalue so many people's efforts to do their best in the health sector by dismissively referring to them as back office staff who can be tossed out of work with the massive inference that it is their fault for being ineffective. Emily Writes put up a good piece this week highlighting the impact upon all the public service individuals and their families who have also been dismissed because in this governments minds they have no worth. So dishonest and unethical when we know it was mostly all to reward a small number of landlords etc. I continue to despair of MSM who are giving the government such a free ride. The contrast with their behaviour with Labour and the other opposition parties is stark and stinks to high heaven.
I agree, there's something very off about the coverage. Ironically I found Coughlin's article one of the more nuanced ones, and RNZ too. Stuff is happy to parrot whatever the Government says, which is very interesting.
People do forget these are human lives and impacts. Thanks for your input on it David.
Another excellent analysis Tūī. This downwards spiral induced by ‘austerity’ should be highlighted by the media and perhaps healthcare is the issue that will spur them into action, but I’m not holding my breath. The financial crisis is actually that the system delivering healthcare needs to spend $130m per month more than this government wants to fund it.
100%. They are simply showing us they are uninterested in helping to make the health system work. The fact that they brought on a guy who is reputedly "authoritarian" and supported a making health care more like a business, is also, really indicative..... It really is about what they do and not what they say with this lot.
Also, I am confused about the media too. I suspect it's a small country, they need to appear "balanced" and that means replicating speech, and National are quite skilful at controlling a storyline.
Media in Aotearoa only need to look at recent history in the USA to see that uncritical regurgitation of a political party or operative leads to misinforming the public who then vote based on that misinformation - which I naively thought was their whole job to expose? Bollocks to it being "a small country" & needing to appear "balanced"! As Neil DeGrasse Tyson says "facts are true ... whether you believe them or not"
So, the plans working out fine then. Any business magnate yearns for a captive market, as we see in the food industry. Everybody needs to eat and everybody needs healthcare.
God I hope people get angry, before it's too late. We need a bunch of French farmers here to show how it's done.
What we need in the case of Reti is an uprising of "the Aunties"! In my Runanga/Iwi in the recent past no matter how important you thought you were, the Aunties (Kaumatua) would summon you & sometimes gently, & sometimes bluntly, remind you of your obligations to your immediate whanau, and because of extensive inter-marriage, your extended whanau across Aotearoa - your obligations to honour the sacrifices of your Tupuna who fought for better equity in health outcomes for generations, your obligations to the current older Kaumatua who have never had that equity, and your obligations to those younger &/or as yet unborn to finally fix this structurally & with bi-partisan buy in to stop this flip-flop between govts of different political backgrounds.. Sadly so many like Reti stand on the shoulders of their Tupuna & instead of lightly being carried into the future, their weight crushes these ancestor's achievements beneath their arrogant feet.
It is not a racial or ethnic issue either - healthy individuals are more productive and for longer, and cost the health system much less individually & as a whanau able to care for each other.
Same goes for Shane Jones!
In the Pakeha side of my world it is recognised that some individuals are constrained by the need for approval of parents & grandparents who have high ethical & moral views, and once they have died the individual becomes the arrogant unethical selfish person they always were.
It seems these days that too many "leaders" have no moral or ethical compass to follow - just their own selfish desires to achieve power and/or notoriety.
In a nutshell it is becoming plain that allowing public health to wither by malign neglect... Denying resources firing staff, letting buildings rot, it makes the sale of our hospitals (think of the land-bank real estate value) to USA health insurance giant AIG ltd a simple strategy. The deal to be sweetened by including ACC in the deal for, say $10 billion. (ACC currently has investments in excess of $40 billion).
Acshully quite a big nut and heaven help those who cannot afford private health insurance
I find it appalling that Reti et al again devalue so many people's efforts to do their best in the health sector by dismissively referring to them as back office staff who can be tossed out of work with the massive inference that it is their fault for being ineffective. Emily Writes put up a good piece this week highlighting the impact upon all the public service individuals and their families who have also been dismissed because in this governments minds they have no worth. So dishonest and unethical when we know it was mostly all to reward a small number of landlords etc. I continue to despair of MSM who are giving the government such a free ride. The contrast with their behaviour with Labour and the other opposition parties is stark and stinks to high heaven.
I agree, there's something very off about the coverage. Ironically I found Coughlin's article one of the more nuanced ones, and RNZ too. Stuff is happy to parrot whatever the Government says, which is very interesting.
People do forget these are human lives and impacts. Thanks for your input on it David.
Another excellent analysis Tūī. This downwards spiral induced by ‘austerity’ should be highlighted by the media and perhaps healthcare is the issue that will spur them into action, but I’m not holding my breath. The financial crisis is actually that the system delivering healthcare needs to spend $130m per month more than this government wants to fund it.
100%. They are simply showing us they are uninterested in helping to make the health system work. The fact that they brought on a guy who is reputedly "authoritarian" and supported a making health care more like a business, is also, really indicative..... It really is about what they do and not what they say with this lot.
Also, I am confused about the media too. I suspect it's a small country, they need to appear "balanced" and that means replicating speech, and National are quite skilful at controlling a storyline.
Media in Aotearoa only need to look at recent history in the USA to see that uncritical regurgitation of a political party or operative leads to misinforming the public who then vote based on that misinformation - which I naively thought was their whole job to expose? Bollocks to it being "a small country" & needing to appear "balanced"! As Neil DeGrasse Tyson says "facts are true ... whether you believe them or not"
I'm with you, Cindy!
So, the plans working out fine then. Any business magnate yearns for a captive market, as we see in the food industry. Everybody needs to eat and everybody needs healthcare.
God I hope people get angry, before it's too late. We need a bunch of French farmers here to show how it's done.
What we need in the case of Reti is an uprising of "the Aunties"! In my Runanga/Iwi in the recent past no matter how important you thought you were, the Aunties (Kaumatua) would summon you & sometimes gently, & sometimes bluntly, remind you of your obligations to your immediate whanau, and because of extensive inter-marriage, your extended whanau across Aotearoa - your obligations to honour the sacrifices of your Tupuna who fought for better equity in health outcomes for generations, your obligations to the current older Kaumatua who have never had that equity, and your obligations to those younger &/or as yet unborn to finally fix this structurally & with bi-partisan buy in to stop this flip-flop between govts of different political backgrounds.. Sadly so many like Reti stand on the shoulders of their Tupuna & instead of lightly being carried into the future, their weight crushes these ancestor's achievements beneath their arrogant feet.
It is not a racial or ethnic issue either - healthy individuals are more productive and for longer, and cost the health system much less individually & as a whanau able to care for each other.
Same goes for Shane Jones!
In the Pakeha side of my world it is recognised that some individuals are constrained by the need for approval of parents & grandparents who have high ethical & moral views, and once they have died the individual becomes the arrogant unethical selfish person they always were.
It seems these days that too many "leaders" have no moral or ethical compass to follow - just their own selfish desires to achieve power and/or notoriety.
Oh Cindy, if only. You are so right, as I have learnt through my wife's "aunties"