Yesterday, I ruminated about the effects of being a political follower.
And, within politics, David Seymour was smart enough on Friday to divert attention from “race blind” policies [what about gender blind I thought - thinking of maternity wards] and cutting school lunches by throwing meat to the media.
Teachers were stealing kids’ lunches, he claimed, and many took the bait. He’s just like Trump, say something outlandish, and change the topic.
Luxon does it a lot too. Negative press? Bring out a law and order announcement.
I guess their advisers use similar strategies.
NZME dedicated multiple segments.
I didn’t even bother reading it, but others will.
We know $107mn was cut from the school lunch program, and it covered 67% of all children living in material hardship. It was making a difference.
But we know where the money went instead because anyone reading this column cares about that stuff.
This brings me to 3 points I’ve been meaning to make for a while -
Many don’t care. It may offend our values, but I’ve spoken to many a person who is thrilled with this government. They feel their moves will ultimately help them get ahead or keep the undeserving from the pot.
We all live in our own echo chambers. Those who aren’t fans of the government read material that echoes the sentiment. Those who cheer on the right wing Coalition are talking to each other. For this reason, I have always found Facebook to be more of an accurate barometer of where the country is at. And I’d say the Coalition government is doing reasonably well.
We could all be culpable for where we are. I was watching Harold & Kumar one night, laughing loudly, and I missed those politically non-correct days. Purity isn’t a virtue to my mind and humour is a great equalizer. For example, I think the right reaction to the Kaipara Mayor is to laugh. “You’re funny, Craig!” But also - sometimes people have different viewpoints, and that should normally be OK too.
That brings me to - salvation for us all.
Merriam Webster has multiple definitions but I’ll go with deliverance from danger, troubles or difficulty.
You see, to those who read my column, one of my weaknesses is - I try to figure things out. Or I can see something coming and I want to warn my fellow Kiwis.
But I’m new to it.
And that means you come along on the journey with me.
Sometimes it’s tedious.
And for that I apologise.
I’m grateful you are here.
For months, I tried to find the good i.e. the logic, the consistency, in the government’s angles. I even once wrote, “I feel sorry for Chris Luxon.”
I also spent a long time synthesising different pieces of ‘evidence’ so people could see and judge for themselves.
But - I think those days are over.
In that, I no longer hold the doubts I once did.
I no longer feel a need to ‘prove’ what is happening, or warn/broadcast what is coming.
I believe most people can see it clearly by now.
So my main, prior, function is gone.
The other day I wrote “David Seymour is a loser / tosser.” It was a haphazard and careless title that reflected my boredom with the predictability of the people I have studied. I believe there is more than enough evidence now. I don’t need to compile it.
Anyone who believes it already sees it. Anyone who doesn’t isn’t going to be convinced either.
Salvation therefore, to me, is about the road ahead.
The road we have to travel together - whatever our beliefs. And whatever the impact this government has.
There are positives to this government of course -
They have activated many people to take an interest in politics and community.
They have activated many to connect with like-minded people - across both sides. The right extreme are congregated as I see them - and I do watch them. The left extreme and the left and centre also similarly congregate.
They may lead to a greater crisis, which in turn will lead to a greater revolutionary change.
The possibilities continue.
And if Trump wins, which he still could, or rouses the US into strife if he loses, the changes may be more dramatic.
Still - salvation remains an inner journey.
To me, it’s about holding out my hand in my community and spaces I occupy, and being myself without fear, shame, or a need to prove anything anymore.
It’s about finding and working from a place of inner peace and if possible, fortitude and care.
I am a human being and therefore, hold contradictions, weaknesses, mistakes, but also beauty and strength.
If I can fortify my being and my inner peace, then I will be a better contributor for the world and all the people I started writing for in the first place - people who I see out there who are kind and generous, loving, and caring.
It was only ever about the people.
Politics was and is only ever about the people to me. It was never about left, right or centre - rather, just the impacts on people.
Salvation for us all means - the road ahead is long, so take your breaks, find your space, find your pond of sustenance and joy so that we are not rocked continually by those who seek to follow their weaknesses and pains, and fling it onto us.
Salvation in practical terms is taking time out to cook, garden, rest, meditate, read, laugh, find friends, seek solitude, cry and heal. Whatever it is your heart tells you and guides you to - find that inner space.
It does not preclude action and involvement. But it can make you stronger for it.
I really can’t forsee an easy way forward for now. And it is my wish that as many people who read this can - can find a balance of peace too.
PS - Mountain Tui has been here for 2.5 months now and I now know more about the platform and what writing here means, who is around, so I still plan to make some changes - including to my subscription model.
Thank you to those of you who read and support what I do.
Never apologise for what you're doing.
I appreciate your sentiments MT, which probably accounts for the frustration I feel about where we're heading as a country and blatant disregard for human decency and for those whose reality was borne of generations of inequities that we had started to right but now subject to regressive policy.
The difference is our eyes are wide open and we are watching, like you do at the movies, as it all unfolds.
What I believe is that staying silent is not an option. No matter what side of the political divide we sit on, I do believe that most know what is right. That's why I love your mahi e hoa. You do a fantastic job of finding the best way to articulate the issues you see. I just wish more people get to see it and learn a thing or three outside the bite size quotes they might get from TV or radio news (that helps them firm their views!)
Good you're working through how you can maximise the platform. Your subbies will follow I'm sure :)
Have a great Sunday.
Lovely read. I try to figure things out too Tui and I can not, for the life of me, understand why New Zealand has been so ripe for the planting and nourishing of such harmful rhetoric. I feel like I am living in an alternate universe. How can so many be harmed by so few. I have to remain hopeful that there will be a tipping point and that the good in people will shine through. Reading like minded souls work like yours is a big help. Arohanui.