Privatisation Kills So Why is Reti, Luxon and Lester Levy Speeding Towards It Like A Rocket Ship?
In 2022, Lancet Medical Journal issued the findings of a long term longitudinal study on the effects of increased outsourcing of health to the private sector i.e. privatisation.
Examining the outcomes from between 2013-2020, it conclusively found:
The privatisation of the NHS in England, through the outsourcing of services to for-profit companies, consistently increased in 2013–20. Private sector outsourcing corresponded with significantly increased rates of treatable mortality.
The correlation was conclusive.
The study noted:
This finding was robust to matching on background characteristics, adjusting for possible confounding factors, and measurement error in our dataset.
Changes to for-profit outsourcing since 2014 were associated with an additional 557 (95% CI 153–961) treatable deaths across the 173 CCGs
And in 2024, Oxford University published another study, examining the impacts of privatisation on public health.
High rates of privatisation and outsourcing almost always corresponded wit…