When I worked in mental health our clinical staff were required to undergo regular training to use any form of restraint, like holding a patient's arm. Non clinical staff like me were expressly forbidden from using any form of restraint. But it seems that any retail staff or bystander will now be approved to use whatever force is necessary to hold a shoplifter, or anyone else they think is a criminal, till the police arrive. Who could possibly dream up a law like that and what could possibly go wrong?

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Excellent point of course Lindsay - the lack of logic here is frustrating.

And today Goldsmith has indicated they will propose 4 year terms - I can just see where their plans are going, and it's not pretty.

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I worked in Corrections for years and we too had extensive training on how to restrain a person. Most of these offenders will be armed with a weapon,usually a knife,and will not hesitate to use it. I very much doubt that someone will stand while his arm is being held waiting for the arrival of the police. I hope I'm wrong.

Goldsmith must be barking mad to think this is good policy.

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"Barking mad" seems apt, Cheryl.

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I'm thanking my lucky stars, and theirs, that my two daughters who worked as "checkout chicks" at the local surpermarket are not doing that in this day and age. Just imagine it, those young people being expected to act as law enforcement aids! This government are wayyyyy off base!

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Imagine all the retail workers being pressured to do this - the Retail Association has come out against it but another example of primitive half baked ideas that they don't bother consulting with the majority for.

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This CoC is now forming Quangos. They did this under Key. Like the rotten lunches, this will have unintended consequences. Desperate stupid straw clutching. Complete failures in terms of Governance. Everything is driven by ideology. Not a sensible idea between them.

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Did you see Brian Tamaki’s delight at the citizen’s arrest proposal? Imagine who his thugs would target…

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I did not but I would not be surprised! It is infuriating - genuinely backward, regressive and dangerous.

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Welcome to the wild west, where citizens fight it out and plod comes along, at their leisure, and picks up the pieces. What could possibly go wrong ?

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Substack needs to give us gifs/images in replies.

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Exactly Mountain Tui - here is my response to this and other ideology rather than evidence-based solutions

Kia ora koutou, CoC MPs,

It’s inequality, stupid—not the economy. Address inequality and the deprivation that comes with it, and you’ll see the growth you so desperately crave but keep sabotaging with counterproductive policies.

Ngā mihi nui,

Signed: Aotearoa New Zealand’s so-called majority of mediocrity, naysayers, and bottom feeders (or whatever other derogatory labels you use to divide us)!

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Woke too!

Proud to be woke!

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So ACC premiums for retail are going to increase then? This is an embarrassing decision to be made by government, flies in the face of sensible policing and any health and safety policies that businesses should have in dealing with the public. Worries me that magnum McKee is there, is she pushing guns to arm shop owners?

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Next term if they get in - that's when the hell hole really opens up

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As is normal when I read these excellent posts, I wonder if the non substack journalists are delving into these issues. Perhaps they are, but I do think there would be a lot more furore if a Labour Government were overseeing a reduction in police numbers.

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Yes. The right have might $$$$

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All those years of deliberately losing Epsom had the (unexpected) consequence that Goldsmith also lost touch with reality - but I suspect he always thinks he is the smartest man in the room

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Another day another effing stupid idea/policy from this ridiculous coalition of cons. Relentless stupidity. Honestly, why on earth would anyone (except for the Destiny Church gangster thugs) want to chase or tackle a shoplifter so the shopowner can save himself the loss of biscuits, bread whatever… idiotic. I suppose it is one way of making up for a policing shortage. So typical, the right are appropriating in the worst way the ‘team of 5 million’. Kushal is a grifter and a tryhard. The coalition of cons are so inept.

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It’s really unfortunately becoming more obvious every day

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