Open for all - rant and profanity warning.
I’ll keep this one short, at least as short I can.
Luxon and his government are lying hypocrites. Yesterday Luxon went on a rant at councils, lecturing them like a headmaster admonishing kids who had been naughty and caught skipping school.
The reaction from the left has been fairly irate.
But as usual - this is not new. Luxon has repeated his council admonishment in prior press conferences, answering questions about water rates with “I expect councils to go back to basics” and keep rates low. Completely ignoring the fact that the new 3 Waters solution cost more, but not only that, councils are deeply in the sh*t from decades on decades of underinvestment. The 3 Waters bill is potentially half of NZ’s GDP. Luxon knows it. There was a reason the Ardern government tried to set something up. National of 2017 knew too - central government hasn’t been able to do it properly, efficiently, effectively - not across our country and many don’t have the ex…