First they came for the doctors But I was confused by the numbers and costs So I didn't speak up Then they came for our police and nurses And I didn't think we could afford those costs anyway So I focused on my own life Then they came for the Māori And I closed my eyes resolutely Who were Māori to me, and why do their problems matter, anyway. But then one day I opened my eyes And looked around And saw a new New Zealand A corporatized, privatized, money driven utopia My country had become anew Where only the well to do could afford a pre-sentencing report So more browns and the poor could render their just desserts Where only the wealthy could afford the best healthcare And everyone else can wait their rightful turn, death or sickness be damned Where every time we drove on a road we added to the profit margins of a firm headquartered in the US or Switzerland Where my child's education competed with private charter schools that strive for profit, but on my taxpayer money Whe…