The new school lunches came in this week, and they were absolutely scrumptious.
I had some, and even though Connor said his tasted like “stodge” and gave him a sore tummy, I myself loved it!
Look at the photos - I knew Mr Seymour wouldn’t lie when he told us last year:
"It is so good. I mean, it's one of the best meals that you're going to have."
It was definitely better than the old Ka Ora, Ka Ako – Healthy School Lunches, Mum and Dad.
I mean look at those lunches from the old program - they’re so “woke! right?!”….

And even though we lost over 2000 Kiwi jobs when that was canned, I’d much prefer money going to multinationals who care about us.
Like Nestle, right, Mum and Dad?!
Anyway, the lunch really helped my concentration levels - and I felt comforted and full of nutritious well-being - ready to tackle my learning.
Even though some of the lunches turned up 4 hours late - our principal, Mr Powell sorted it out. All good.
Teething issues from an international conglomerate with a history of food scandals can only be expected.
Last week Mr Seymour also assured us that is a shining example of the power of “private sector expertise” - to do what no government can do on its own!
This is him showing us a “precedent for the government working with businesses to achieve better results!”
And I’m thrilled to be part of this “more efficient” model to exemplify the privatisation options Mr Seymour touts as our future in New Zealand!
I can’t wait, Mum and Dad.
And so glad that Erica Stanford approved it for us too.
Everything’s cool here.
See you soon - I just have to finish shovelling some of the food off the floor.
It accidentally fell after two bites.
And by the way, can I skip school tomorrow?
I’m not feeling so great…
The nutritionists say choose colours, right? It’s unbelievable, that brown & white in the photos.
I look forward to a change of government! And setting all that up again! As with so many other things.
Brilliant. We need more of this.
Thanks for making me laugh as the Trumpian World and the NACT world grows even more ghastly.
2025!!! Here it comes! Only 11 months to go. Keep Well. Keep Safe.